Originally Posted By DommeLynx
I've used protonmail for about two years. I'm really into cybersecurity and wanted the best. Finally I had enough and switched email providers. I really REALLY did not want to switch because it was a hassle.

but Protomail is, by far, the WORST email provider I've ever had. About 30% of the time my email replies NEVER SENT. If you left the page too early after hitting "send", the emails wouldn't send or they'd send blank. Probably because their servers are in another country. I use email as my primary form of contact, so as you can guess it was very upsetting when I realized how often this was happening and how many people I "ghosted".

On top of emails just straight up not sending, or sending blank, when they did send they'd get put into spam. Many emails providers, like gmail and Outlook, will automatically put emails from protonmail in spam because many scam artists prefer using protonmail.

A very informative response to a presumptuous question