I knew Trevor Bauer was suspended but hadn’t paid any attention to the circumstances until reading about it here and reading the article. It’s definitely an interesting situation involving bdsm , consent and what is legal. It’s definitely not a black and white thing and more a blurred line.

Obviously consent can be given and then withdrawn and I think that is more clear in vanilla sex. With bdsm it’s a greyer area. There’s SSC RACK and then more complicated consensual non consent. I think a Pro Domme is going to be more aware of this then amateurs playing in a private setting especially if they are not regular partners.

In the Bauer case I am going back and forth about whether it’s bdsm or abuse. There’s arguments that can be made for each. My feeling is that with everything I’ve read there’s not enough for a criminal conviction. More possibly is a successful civil suit. The other woman in the past with similar allegations makes me think Bauer is taking advantage and crossing the line into abuse. This has gotten publicity because it’s a high profile professional athlete but I’d imagine the same issues come into play in other peoples private bdsm play as well.
And still trying to figure it all out.................. buffalo