The time that sticks out most in my mind with my girlfriend is when she demanded that I wear panties to work. Cross dressing is not my thing. But her having ordered was motivating. I am a home builder and supervise a crew of men. She would use her days off to visit the job site and give me the look. Crist, I was sitting down pissing in the john in panties. She had so much control over me. I'd get a hard on on the job. None of my men noticed. It was still embarrassing. One day when I got home she told me to get showered and left a fucking collar that a dog would be trained in on the sink. She was walking around in a short skirt and high heels. She made a point to let me know she wasn't wearing panties. She fucking tortured me at dinner with that thing. I had to hide my reaction from the server. It was the hottest day ever. I don't want my balls hurt. I don't want to wear panties. But her control was unreal.