It is interesting that this article just came out. Last week I found out that a well known and loved Dom had just been outed to her family by an ex boyfriend. Her family must not have taken it well because she is laying low and not even filming now. She is such a beautiful person who didn't deserve that bullsh#t. Now, there is this NY Post article, taken from Twitter, in which someone outed someone running for a city council position. The photo was taken at Parthenon. It is highly doubtful that such a long standing establishment would sabotage their own business. But, they are caught up in it too.

Whether it has been matters of custody, inheritance or just spite, I've been outed more than once. It is an easy axe hanging over someone's head. Fortunately, I stood up like this political candidate did and my neighbors, family and friends did too...even the most shocked and religious of them. It is no one's business what someone does, consensually, in their private time. It should be everyone's business who a petty, vengeful snitch is.

After having made it through such a rough year, I hope Parthenon, is not too damaged from this. I've never had dealings with Parthenon and have no idea what the council member stands for but I am 200% behind them on this.

Have you had experiences with being outed?