Originally Posted By MsRoseWoods
WARNING the Image below is for adults with a strong stomach only!

Mistress, the link you posted forced me to remember Kellie Everts, who in her heyday, from the late '60s to the mid-'80s I guess, was Miss Body Beautifu, became a stripper known as the woman "who strips for God," highlighting that since God created us there was nothing wrong with nudity. She would preach at the end of shows. She became a minister, a community activist in Brooklyn and eventually founded her own religion, touting the "return of Matriarchy and the Feminine Divine" in print and many talk TV shows. Now, 76, she writes about "Mother God," the Blessed Virgin, female superiority and founded her own religion. She claimed to be the first competitive female bodybuilder from her interviews, pics and hanging with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the '70s.

Not a dominatrix & not from S.F., but a dominant and unique personality. She doesn't have a bush, she has a forest.

Here is one picture of her. There are plenty more online. And Google her site and bio. A unique character to say the least. (I tried to get her to dance for a friend's bachelor party, which is an entirely different story.)
