I show respect for people who feel masks are important. With the exception of California, the states I frequent do not require them in public. So, it was surprising when when a I was walking my dog in Florida and a man came running across his yard to hand me one. It was also not a wise move for a man who is so concerned about a virus that he would walk up to someone without one and hand it to to them. But, I smiled and put it on and continued to do so whenever I walked down his street, although it was not a requirement and no one else who was out walking or jogging were wearing them. The people who are argumentative in stores over masks I find to be jerks. If a mask is required by a private business, put one on or don't go inside. That simple. It doesn't take much to be considerate even if you think wearing masks is silly.

This being said, the virus has a survival rate of nearly 100%. There have been been tragic losses but, sadly, there are from one illness or another every day. Medical experts disagree on covid. Many every day people do. It is frustrating that that there appears to be no focus on the when, how and why this virus came to us. But, considering what is within our control, people should be respectful to each other as much as possible.

This is two women getting into an all out brawl because one was standing too close to the other, at a Bath and Body Works, of all things. Just nuts. Follow the rules or don't go into stores. Frankly, if anyone was truly concerned about their health, they wouldn't be buying products from that store anyway. (Why the video is captioned with the ladies race, I've no idea. But, it is something to see how edgy people have come these days.)