Originally Posted By Spark
Im obsessed with cleanliness during these sessions. However i hate the process and if there is a better way i could be easily convinced. My next strap on session is in a month so id love to find a new prep method.

What do others do? Anything else that works for people?

I also eat a very clean diet for a few days leading up to the session and eat very limited the day off as well. Any thoughts on diet. Foods to stay away from etc?

This reminds me I need to finish my dusty article about anal play.

People often seem to make it sound more complicated than it is. Like lots of prep with multiple steps.

It's really just rinsing a few times. Maybe making one or two different diet changes if you really feel like you want to make the rinsing process as easy as possible.

If you buy a pre-filled douche, remove the solution and replace with tepid water. *Gently* rinse until clear. Don't rocket-shoot it up there. It's not necessary and more likely to go up farther than you need...and then come out during play.

I find that if I'm doing play in the rectum and not going into the sigmoid colon then there is no need for a deep cleanse. Once you've douched a handful of times you should get a sense of how deeply the water is going and when you've gone as far as you need.

Changing your diet isn't necessary but it can facilitate an easier cleanse. Fiber = more solid BMs = less messy rinsing.