Thanks for the Amazon link. It looks like a good watch. I was having the discussion of what it means to be broken with a friend just prior to making the original post. I compared it to spending time in the remote area of Costa Rica. There gets to be a point, especially in rainy season, where you have to realize that you have no control and must simply surrender to the environment. It hit me when I was on my quad, a good hour from where I was staying (and, it starting down pouring rain. Earlier that day it had been quite hot with almost oppressive sunshine. I'd also gotten lost. There are no street signs and mostly dirt roads. Something inside of me changed. No stress. No worries. Just complete acceptance and a liberating feeling of not worrying any more. There is no choice but to just go with the flow. Fighting the situation around me wouldn't have helped. Oddly enough, shivering in the rain, not certain if I'd make it back or have to sleep on my quad gave me a sense of euphoria. I've had similar experiences working out. In a smaller way, I've experienced a similar feeling when my personal trainer pushes me in a physical work out. It isn't close to what the Amazon trailer shows in intensity, but along the same lines.

When I watched my play partners "Break," it was moving. I hadn't planned it. The emotion was so heavy you could feel it it in the room. I can't say that either of them stayed "Broken" or that it had changed their life. But, it was an experience that the one I am still in touch with talk about from time to time. It was really something else.