My sessions start months before it happens. I don't session that much, but I make a whole story about it, literally speaking... I like to book my sessions months before if possible, so that I can enjoy it even more. The anticipation is so nice to me.

Sometimes, my favorite part of the whole thing even is the moment when I have to answer a questionnaire, to disclose myself.

And my sessions end months after it happened. I like to think, I like to dream. After a great session, I don't feel the need to book a new one for months, as reliving my favorite moments, writing about it, then read what I wrote is enough for me. It can even go further than that: for more than a year I've been regularly dreaming at night of a Domme I saw only two times so far.

But I'm not really the most spontaneous man in the world grin

Edited by BDSAIME (01/01/21 06:42 AM)
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