The problem with any online service is how it can be misused and how that, in turn, can eventually lead to censorship. The companies that run these sites are in it to make money, of course, and so as we've already witnessed, they're at the mercy of the credit card companies. Hopefully AVN won't be targeted and won't be forced to give in to such pressures.

As I've mentioned to you already, I had a bit of a transition period getting used to AVN, but now that I have, I'm enjoying it. There are a couple of little things about it that I don't really like, but those are just minor little items.

With me just being a "fan" on AVN and not a provider, I'll obviously never have the following there that I do on Twitter (not that I have a ton on there anyway) so I don't foresee the type of bantering back and forth happening on AVN that happens now on Twitter ... but in terms of being able to access your content and interact with you which is the primary reason for being on there in the first place, I have no complaints.

I don't anticipate myself subscribing to Dommes on there that I don't personally know, so I most likely wouldn't be subscribing to more than 2-3 at the most.
Fear, anxiety, arousal & pain; all are emotions & sensations. Feel them, experience them, surrender to them & learn to accept them.
