Thomas they are all legitimate questions. In looking back at my "sordid" (lol!) past and based on your questions I was #1 And #2 already with a woman long ago who I met as a domina and I became her lover. When she was in the scene she did domination, kink, massage and wrestling. After the first few months of being a client we became lovers. For most of the time, when I look back, she controlled me - sexually and more dangerously - emotionally. I was literally addicted. Physically for you film historians out there she looked like a cross between Jayne Mansfield and Anita Ekberg and around 6' 1" in heels. I'm about 6' 1".

Towards the end of our relationship I began to be more demanding sexually. I realized for my own sanity, and probably hers, there was no future. I tried numerous times to break up with her, so I guess I dominated her. We eventually became long distance friends. We lived far away from each other. She got married several years ago and that, for the sake of this story, was it.

On a more conventional session level I was a #2, a switch, a few years after that relationship. It was before I knew what a "switch" was. The young athletic domina from Jamaica I was seeing (she was in her late 20s and I was mid 40s) agreed to be loosely tied up in my jungle scene. I would do a "rescue" by untying her and by the end of the scene she would dominate "Tarzan." We did a variety of versions of this with her being dominant at the end.

Thanks for the opportunity to reflect.

Edited by junglepet (03/26/16 12:23 PM)
Edit Reason: clarified certain points