I see the usual coalition using this as another excuse to again go after Porn in general and with it the entire Greater Adult Co-Perversity Sphere. Rest assured they will once again fail in their ultimate goal but maybe they eliminate the major pirated porn sites. But even in that case we might get some replacement sites that are very heavily moderated when it comes to kiddie/rape/revenge porn but still steal hand over fist from the legit producers.

However these sites might be reluctant to steal any clips that relates to "torture" unless it is very light and manifestly consensual. But the reason they do this is because of a government crackdown on anything and everything that appears even remotely nonconsensual. And it won't matter if it is M/F, F/F. F/M or M/M This will make BDSM porn a legal minefield

Those are my first thoughts. I might have more tomorrow