The first time I ever approached a pro-domme for a session, I was super nervous. I had done a lot of research to determine who I wanted to session with, spent days getting my application email ready and finally sent it.

She replied back and we arranged a video chat a few days later which went well. Then she emailed me her set of instructions which included bringing her a case of of a specific mediocre beer.

This really confused me, there wasn't anything beer related we had discussed. It also seemed weird since it didn't seem safe to play while intoxicated, so was it just for her to drink later? My session date was a few weeks out, so it wasn't like she was asking me to pick up something she had just run out of.

At the time I felt like it was some weird attempt to get an extra $30 out of me. Since I felt uncomfortable, I ended up canceling the session well in advance and sending her the full tribute amount.

In retrospect, if I had more confidence I should have asked about it. I still to this day wonder what was up, and it has been over six years.