You have a point. But, it is so not cool for the stats to be skewed and the threat embellished. I also want answers demanded and action taken. Why have we been putting up with China and Mexican flues? Obama, as a sitting president, warned that a global response to China was critical. Nothing was done about it. We've been warned for years now that a pandemic will come from the unsanitary conditions in California's homeless camps. Nothing has been done about it. There is plenty of blame to go around with both administrations. In regard to China, Trump should have picked up the global response ball, as attacked for it as he may have been over it. As the Democratic officials who govern California were doing nothing effective in regard to the homeless epidemic, Trump stepped in at a federal level. That was good but what was the extent of his action? To put Ben Carson in charge. Our government is a clown show. It is no longer their job to work together in representing the best interest of the American people. It has become about them fighting for power. That said, I do like that Trump is not a career politician and think he does a good job considering he's fighting an uphill battle.