Originally Posted By Chi61
On another thread someone said something along the lines of “can’t we all just talk about getting kicked in the balls”.

I said it so thank you for posting your story. Wrestling / beatdowns is a different culture but The Buzz does have a forum dedicated to it because a lot of Pro Dommes crossover. To me, it is really about physical, rather than psychological, domination (which is the basis of a lot of the activities we usually talk about) and I can definitely see how session wrestlers would be great at ball-busting, as well as really enjoying it, since they can be physically dominant without having to have the full set of skills of a Domme.

As for humiliation, maybe you don't get really excited by a woman just denigrating you verbally for no real reason but I think getting the shit knocked out of you is always humiliating and having "a girl" do it, even more so (yes, that is a misogynistic statement but we are talking about the normal male psyche not what our "better selves" wish for us to believe).

As for including verbal in that session, a superior opponent taunting you may be poor sportsmanship but it is not outside of the range of normal for physical contests. It is definitely humiliating if/when that happens so I can definitely see how that might fit really well... even if you aren't into the kind of denigration you see from the findumb side of the culture.