Mistress, I think you know how strong my opinions are. I will do my best to share them lightly for the snowflakes who cannot handle another persons differing opinion. I say cancel the cancel culture. Any type of prejudice is unacceptable. Right wing and left wing radicals like white supremacists and ANTIFA need to be silenced once and for all. They are enemies of the country. Free speech and protesting yes. Riots and looting hell no! Go directly to jail. Bail reform in places like NYC is a total failure. All the media and EVERY politician are enemies of the people today. GTFU you were only promised life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and NO ONE owes you a damn thing. When I was younger I worked 3 jobs at a time and worked my way up. I have held 35 jobs in 18 different companies over the last 40 years and did it on my own. Get a damn education. Do it yourself. As for race, NO ONE can understand the discrimination people of color face but I can empathize growing up Jewish in the face of anti-semitic a holes. I fought for my freedom. This country and freedom of speech is in deep trouble. I am sorry but in today's USA the violence and rioting is mostly coming from the left. No one is shutting it down. Here is a tip of advice when you are pulled over by a peace officer. Smile, say yes sir, no sir, may I ask a question sir, etc. KEEP YOUR DAMN HANDS visible at all times and ask for permission to move or reach for your license and registration. NEVER make a sudden move and ask for permission before you do anything. I was suspended from FB because someone said I was racist. Anyone who knows me knows I have been to 56 different countries and worked with people from everywhere. FB suspended my account because I referred to Covid-19 as the Coronavirus that originated in Wuhan China. People cannot handle the truth. I was also attacked on FB because I said people lost the capacity to think and have a meaningful exchange of ideas. NO ONE TALKS ANYMORE. If you do not subscribe to my opinion you are the ENEMY! Again I say GTFU. FB wrote back to me to reactivate my account and I told them to GFY. I am done with Social Media. I understand this will seriously hurt people who are Pro Dommes. I say Bless all of you. I love all of you and am so grateful for helping me to accept my non-perfections and love of kink. Some of you who know the real me know I have worked hard to be a better person. We are all in trouble if we do not rise up and stop the media and the politicians and rioters and looters who are destroying our beloved country. Yes, protesters must have their freedom to demonstrate when there are real things wrong. There are great police out there but there are bad apples who must be identified and forced out of the profession. I wish we had term limits to get rid of these absolutely corrupt politicians. I fear for anyone who does not subscribe to the loudest most radical people today because you will be identified as the enemy very quickly. As for me, If this unrest continues into 2021 I am out of here and moving to southeast Asia. There will be no way back for this once great country. BTW this descent into madness began in 2004, got worse in 2006, escalated from 2009 to 2016, and exploded in the last 4 years. That is when sides were drawn and the country separated. We are in a state of civil war with the east and west coasts and the heartland.

ALL OF THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION. Please think and judge the facts for yourself while you still can.

Stay safe and healthy everyone. Bless you all.