I did an Amazon roleplay - non competitive wrestling, scissors, etc. several years ago. She’s dominant female bodybuilder who checked into a good NYC hotel room on a hot, muggy mid afternoon. She’s ex-Navy, blonde, 6 ft.around 200 lbs. A goddess. I’m 6ft 1in and maybe 25 lbs. heavier than her then. Two big people in a room, excluding the bathroom, that was slightly bigger than two queen sized beds. And the A/C wasn’t great. She looked at me apologized and said she was getting a new room maybe later. Did I want to change the appointment? I said no. The room was so small the sides of the bed was “thisclose” to each wall.

It didn’t take long for us to work up a sweat and between our sizes and rolling around the bed as she punished me we were not only slippery but we inadvertently banged our heads against the walls and almost fell off the bed several times. Halfway through we couldn’t keep a straight face and just began to laugh it was so ridiculous!

We basically stopped and I gave her a back and leg massage. As I left she gave me a big hug and said, “That’s the most fun I’ve had in a session.” It was my funniest too.