I’ve been on it for a couple months. The content is very dependent on the individual. I’ve subscribed to a couple pages and not really liked them. Its very hit or miss and you generally don’t know until after you subscribed. They all default to auto renew btw, but it’s very easy to turn that off. I thought I’d like the bdsm pages more, but I haven’t enjoyed the few I’ve tried. I’m pretty specific in my kink preference and I think OF is better if you enjoy a wide variety as the Dommes are publishing content to all their subscribers. I did find one more vanilla model’s page that I really enjoy so you never know what you might find of interest. It’s just a bit of a crap shoot IMO. It does offer pretty easy IMing and personal interactions. I’ve not had any challenges on the payment front, but I’m using a cc which some may not be comfortable with.