Is this 20% or 30% or 15% or so of the slaves or subs?

If it matters, I have had non professional people make guesses about my supposed psychology or my supposed or alleged "true motives" for doing some things slightly unusual, and not even bdsm stuff. The people making their guesses have been wrong in all cases or nearly every case.

In these cases, it was a common reaction of the non professionals to suppose that because 1 I did something they did not like and 2 that thing was unusual that therefore I was secretly psychologically troubled or disturbed!

Now I will agree that 1 in 3 to 2 in 3 persons in society are a grouch prone to lying, anxiety or depression.

Long ago, the Roman Emperor MRcus Aurelius, supposedly one of the good emperors, wrote that ee can commonly expect to be mistreated by most people or nearly all of them.

It seems like it is normal for the majority of people to be paranoid, lying and grouchy idiots. That is the normal state of affairs.

If the average person had a ring if Gyges, and the ring made him invisible and he could commit various crimes without others knowing or punishing him, would he do so? Yes.

The ring of Gyges is a part of Grerk mythology that philosophers use in discussions about morality and the nature of man.

Most are creeps and criminals.