We all have to make our own calculations about this. A Mistress with severe financial difficulties might choose to start sessioning earlier than a Mistress in a good position. A Mistress with a compromised immune system or an immunocompromised partner/roommate might understandably hold off longer. Someone with a strong sense of social responsibility will stay home longer than an idiot conspiracy theorist or someone selfish who only cares about herself. They've just started making antibody tests more widely available, which I'm sure will have some effect. You might soon see Mistresses slowly making themselves available for say, one client a week with those limited slots going to regulars and/or those able to show positive antibody tests.

I live in NYC, and will likely hold off for quite a while longer. My partner is currently experiencing mild symptoms, meaning I am likely an asymptomatic carrier and will have to wait 2 - 4 weeks for an accurate antibody test. I'm very bored and miss sessions terribly, but I also care about other people so it'll be a while before I'm back in the saddle. I'll make my decision on how to proceed once I have that test.

The situation and the science is still evolving -- who knows where we'll be in a month?