Originally Posted By Soapy
Some are tacky. Whole Foods gift cards, actual food, etc.

Whole Foods gift cards are tacky? Since when it eating better quality food tacky?

I have no qualms about including that on a wishlist. I have that on mine. It can be a nice thing to have when you're traveling. Think of it like treating your Domme to a nice lunch.

[quote]A few are REALLY interesting. ... trying to form a picture of the person from what they like to get.[/uuote]

It can, but don't count on it to be a full picture. I don't include a lot of what I'm into because a public wishlist feels so....public and I don't want personal things on there for some guy to casually peruse. I've already had someone make a creepy comment about "oh you like thaaaat..." and then try to buy me something he liked related to it which was gross.

Edited by Mistress Tissa (03/28/20 10:18 PM)