Originally Posted By MissMary
how does this go in a professional setting? Wouldn't that be a very difficult experience to have with a stranger and then just walk out of the door? Do all submissives want to be consoled afterwards or do some enjoying staying in that degraded state? One thing is for sure. The person bottoming for that experience either has a very high or low level of self esteem. I can't tell which.

Doing any of this can be difficult for some people with trust issues.

Aftercare generally relates to the self-knowledge and experience of the sub. If someone comes to me and they know their emotional landscape and can negotiate that clearly then I know I'm less likely to have to do any serious counseling afterward.

Some people prefer that the entirely of the interaction with the Domme is part of the fantasy. So, after a scene, degradation or otherwise, they may continue behaving as if they are in that headspace.

Psychoanalysis of why people like heavy degradation can be interesting to consider but I don't concern myself with it unless I believe they are a serious risk to themselves.