Here is your list of spending priorities right now

Posted by: RudolfWhitmer

Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/04/20 05:41 PM

I know what you are thinking.... Rudolf, don't tell us how to live our lives, we're free citizens... haha, tell that to the government that has you wearing masks and avoiding closed businesses.

Here is your prioritization for spending.

1) Guns
2) Ammunition
3) Extra Magazines for the gun
4) Water
5) Food (a lot)
6) Backup Power (portable generator)
7) Fuel
8) Medical supplies
9) gold and silver
10) fitness and other health items
11) Car Maintenance

No one should session until you've accomplished this.

My Body My Choice... no to mandatory vaccines. Abortion advocates always say my body my choice. Now it's my turn.
Posted by: buffalo

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/04/20 10:18 PM

Rudolph: Are you an anti vaxer?
Posted by: RudolfWhitmer

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/04/20 10:28 PM

I get a flu shot every fall, but will not be getting any of Billy Gates' COVID vaccines. Everyone is wise to what little billy is trying to do.
Posted by: buffalo

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/05/20 10:26 AM

That’s fine buts really didn’t answer my question. Are you against vaccines in general or just this particular developmental Covid vaccination?
Posted by: RudolfWhitmer

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/05/20 10:40 AM

I used to be for them. I am against vaccines now, especially this particular one that is from Bill Gates.

Bill Gates has been seen laughing when he talks about how his vaccines may kill 10% of people who take them. He has harmed so many in Africa with his vaccines. Possibly a racist. I know... he looks like such a nice guy in those pink sweaters.

The public should be very weary of him, big tech, big pharma, and the government. Just remember.... the public drastically outnumbers all of them. The public needs to band together and resist.
Posted by: Cheyenne

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/05/20 10:41 AM

I've always wondered why people want gold in the case of a societal break down. Think about The Walking Dead. A case of canned soup would have been more valuable.
Posted by: RudolfWhitmer

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/05/20 10:49 AM

Yes, exactly. That's why guns and ammo are at the top of the list. If you need food, you should take it. But I prefer having food and water and a gun so I can stay defensive.

But food could potentially be a currency soon and I highly recommend people have a fridge and freezer full of it, a pantry full and long term multi-year shelf life storable food. Get all that before any luxury items.

And get a portable generator for $300-$400 in case the power goes out so you don't lose a fridge of food.

When you watch movies and they uncover a secret cave or underground tomb full of treasure.... is it ever a room full of printed currency? No, it's gold and silver. These have stood the test of time and are not out of reach for most people. I would recommend they have at least some on hand. As well as some physical US currency in case the banks just suddenly close to prevent a run on the banks since we know banks only really keep around 5% of total deposits on hand. Just imagine what happens when everyone loses confidence that their money is safe and makes a run on the banks to withdrawal.
Posted by: Cheyenne

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/05/20 01:27 PM

I have a home on a massive lake, a motorized boat, the ability to purchase vegetable plants and a Governor that isn't irrational enough to limit access to self sustaining items. I also watched the first six seasons of The Walking Dead. My youngest daughter has been playing grand theft auto and learning valuable skills. So, we are covered. LOL. Seriously though, people should prepare for the worst and hope for the best, without going overboard.
Posted by: RudolfWhitmer

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/05/20 02:44 PM

That's pretty neat. I'm definitely looking to de-urbanize in the future as I think that is more conducive to freedom than being in an urban environment where you can't grow a garden.

I was watching the Walking Dead, but after they showed up to Terminus, it just got so drawn out and boring. But same concept.... gasoline and good running cars, ammo, guns, food are vital. 95% of Americans are not able to sustain themselves, so just imagine if a real virus comes around and everything shuts down (which it kind of already has).

I hope people see this as their second chance to prepare if they hadn't already. Now is the time to act. By the way, Grand Theft Auto was a favorite past time and I look forward to playing GTA 6 when it comes out in a couple years. The raw nature of it is awesome and being able to pick up a hooker, screw her in the car, and then run over her after she gets out so you can take your money back... well, it's a lot of fun.
Posted by: buffalo

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/06/20 08:09 PM

I have no idea of your age or personal circumstances but answer me this : If you had/have
young kids would you vaccinate them as doctors recommend?
Posted by: RudolfWhitmer

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/06/20 09:00 PM

Why would I need to vaccinate them if all the other parents willingly vaccinate their kids? If I'm that 1% fringe element, then everyone who was vaccinated would be safe. I see no issue.

The issue I see is ADHD, suppressed immune systems, and being pumped full of harmful other chemicals from Bill Gates.

My Body, My Choice smile
Posted by: buffalo

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/07/20 10:23 AM

Wow that’s an incredibly selfish and short sighted viewpoint.

Some of the stuff you are ranting on I do agree with but you are a conspiracy theory person so not entirely rational.
Posted by: RudolfWhitmer

Re: Here is your list of spending priorities right now - 05/07/20 10:35 AM

I don't think it's selfish to look out for my (future) children.

Honestly, you should be thanking me for constantly questioning what the government wants to inject into people.

We as a society never want to get to a place where the public 100% willingly accepts whatever the government wants to put into their bodies.

The Jewish people 100% accepted that the Nazis just wanted to give them a nice shower or to let them off the trucks in an open field to stretch their legs.

We need people to keep the government in check. You're welcome.
Posted by: AspX

WTF? - 05/07/20 09:16 PM

Originally Posted By RudolfWhitmer
The Jewish people 100% accepted that the Nazis just wanted to give them a nice shower or to let them off the trucks in an open field to stretch their legs.

What sort of racist fucking bullshit is this statement?

I get that you are trying to make a general point, but you are basically saying that people (and btw, there were anywhere from 4-6 million non-jews killed by Nazis as well) who have been held, beaten, threatened at gun point, made to do forced labor and starved over a long period of time just TRUSTED their captors and willingly went along with their orders because they "accepted" the intent of them?!? ... That "Jews” are just that stupid or trusting?

And Nazi extermination of people who are literally being held captive is the equivalent of being asked to put on a mask or take a vaccine to limit the spread of what is a deadly disease for anywhere from 1,5% (Univ. Of Wash projection basis) to 7.8% (toteboard math of reported Covid patients to deaths worldwide) of the people who get it?

I think the flouride in your water has addled your brain
Posted by: RudolfWhitmer

Re: WTF? - 05/07/20 11:06 PM

No need to get nasty.

If you didn't notice, I am pointing out that the government continues to slowly infringe on our rights little by little. We can't keep letting them do it without peacefully protesting and peacefully assembling and demanding redress.

Notice how they just keep pushing. Two week lockdown turns into two months. They close down public parks, restrict lawn care, arrest parents, arrest salon owners, spy on people using drones and helicopters, and one Police department even played the purge sirens to terrorize it's citizens in Louisiana.

A lot of people wrote off the black lives matter groups and sided with police, but now I think you may finally see citizens of all races banding together and protesting what is clearly police tyranny. It has to stop.
Posted by: Cheyenne

Re: WTF? - 05/08/20 05:39 AM

Unfortunately, this crisis is being shamelessly politicized by our own government. It should be a time for our elected officials to come together. They should definitely be demanding answers and looking for solutions instead of using a crisis as fodder. Instead, people are being left with more questions than answers. Conspiracy theories abound. Tensions are high. I am a little worried about the pandemic being used as an excuse for government over reach. A lot of people feel that happened with the Patriot Act.
Posted by: buffalo

Re: WTF? - 05/08/20 11:53 AM

I agree. The left and the Democrats obviously see this as a way to help them win in November. In addition as Rahm Emmanuel once said “never let a crisis go to waste “ I think the result of this will be normalising even more then it is now dependency on government spending and bailouts as standard practices. There’s arguments on both sides of this but it’s going to be a problem when it’s easier to be lazy and irresponsible and then count on the government to take care of you. Don’t get me wrong right now I can agree the government needs to cushion the pain this lockdown is creating but it’s incremental dependence on government that is not going to be rolled back and we just can’t print money on top of money to pay for everything. Eventually the figurative and literal bill comes due.