Story behind an iconic and viral BB clip

Posted by: birchboy

Story behind an iconic and viral BB clip - 09/07/22 12:31 AM

This clip went viral, for the obvious reason,on BB forums a few years ago. It is still the subject of “what ever happened to” questions.

I do not actually believe it was made as a “ball busting” video. But I am not 100% sure. Clip is about one minute long. Given the context, I was watching it in much the same way as seeing a truck stuck on the railroad tracks and waiting for the train to hit.

Backstory (from the original comments on live leak before it was removed):

The young women in the video complimented another woman on social media about a knee she employed to drop a man in a martial arts competition (or possibly somewhere else).

This man chimes in on her social media with “girls can’t drop a guy that easy, a little thing like you sure couldn’t drop me, etc.”

They go round and round on social media and then notice they do not live that far away and decide to meet up and settle it. She warns him she is well trained and gives him every opportunity to back out of it. However, he appears to be somewhat arrogant and stupid.

Why was it probably not a classic fetish BB clip?

1] I think she filmed this to make sure he did not lie about the results later and also to cover her ass for assault charges, since he was literally “asking for it”. And probably to show her friends as well.

2] Her technique is near perfect, as far as making sure she did not miss (and reducing the risk of medical injury) by using the upper knee and lower thigh. It shows she is well trained and practiced.

3] She took the video down after a time because of the comments:
A] She was getting "creeped" out by the pervs. I don’t know if she even knew BB fetish was a thing.

B] She was also being called a heartless psycho -bitch a lot in the comments..

4] The BB tradition of replaying the kick many times may have been used to show the hit clearly, and so no one could say it was “fake”. Or maybe someone edited it in later before re-uploading. It is the internet.

What do you all think? What was the guy trying for and other questions.


BB clip
Posted by: Chi61

Re: Story behind an iconic and viral BB clip - 09/07/22 04:28 AM

I’ve seen this video many times. I’ve always felt it was “real” but as you point out it’s authenticity was highly debated at the time. My main reasons for thinking it’s real were 1) it was never monetized or used to promote anything 2) she blurs his face but not really her own 3) it was edited down and 4) she didn’t post it on the normal bb sites

As a bb “connoisseur”, it never much mattered to me. If it’s staged, it was well staged. Movie bb scenes are obviously fake, but I still greatly enjoy them.

One thing I do find interesting, a British Domme sells a clip of an almost identical scene that she positions as real. My guess is hers is staged and based off the original, but again not really sure. A lot of her content is very extreme which is not my cup of tea (pun intended) but I’ve always wondered about how much is real based on this clip seeming to be a reenactment of the video you linked.
Posted by: birchboy

Re: Story behind an iconic and viral BB clip - 09/07/22 04:12 PM


I am not a fan of super rough stuff either. What interests me most is the story line and the woman's expression and mannerisms. And there are some really nice professional BB clips out there.

What makes something like this interesting is trying to figure out unknowns. I had the thought that the guy may have had a BB kink, and because a lot of women would be tentative and cautious, He figured on getting a "freebe". Or maybe not. Who knows. It's entertaining to speculate.
Posted by: confusedemotion

Re: Story behind an iconic and viral BB clip - 09/08/22 03:23 PM

i got into bb early teens and this sounds exactly like those males had the fetish.

I was a boarding school student for foster youths.

I got ballbusted by girls and 1 adult woman by similar scenarios, later, 2 gals added small penis humilation in non-erotic denigration non consensual at mid 15 during bb, i kept my underwear and shorts on afterwards.

Girls around my age were usually brutal, i didnt know how porn does it without the male dropping, i guess the boners gave them wonderwoman strength.. The woman was a known "manhater", athletic and preferred doing it at the national forest,

I stopped risking my balls at 16 after another close call with a soccer girl 1 grade older, almost castrated me, they swelled and bruised to worrying degree. Only trusted dommes for bb now on.

the ones in videos look atleast 18+
Posted by: confusedemotion

Re: Story behind an iconic and viral BB clip - 09/10/22 04:27 PM

I used to look like a model, I loved showing my body because of self esteem issues, mixing it with bb fetish. I’m mid 20s now and barely get boners during session anymore. Barely afford rent in this city, and the domme I like is a PhD and full J.D lawyer during the day. She gives me the glare face during session like I’m not good enough for her last 2 years(saw her since 19). She gets lot of clients around her age, men late 40s early 50s with lots of tips and gifts, guess that’s how men afford $500 an hour sessions, but showing my tiny paycheque to her wouldn’t make things any better, probably see me as useless in society, I barely afford food after rent and often eat from nasty expired canned soups and artificial ingredients packaged food from a local community center since they’re given free. How else I buy decent clothes and social activity with friends? I always get half hour of bb to treat myself every 4 - 7 months. I’d probably “off” myself in substances if I didn’t have this fetish to look forward to, there is always a bridge on my way to work... Last time I saw her, she said “girls earning more than you are dime a dozen, you need to make yourself useful to my time”, probably because I haven’t tipped her in ages to humiliate my genuine worth. It’s actually very normal for boys to earn significant less than girls these days. Much as 50-70% less in some areas. If I did earn more, society probably use the “patriarchy” guilt line to force me into giving up my disposable income and life savings, wonder how’d it be when women are regularly voted as presidents.

It’s World Suicide Prevention day, thought to air this out like a counselling meeting, (I do have counselling with a social worker every 5-8 months, she’s usually fully booked. I wouldn’t want anyone in real life to know my personal story. I don’t know whether it’s being used as sex meat during teens(I fully enjoyed it) between bb, bad diet or twisted brain wiring after brutality by females bare foot that I’m feeling this way after seeing the thread.

This stings differently than the few genuine humiliations from bb gone wrong during teens (puking, crying, being seen in public - after noises behind a rural house or forestry, felt almost like a heart attack by the soccer girl - heard stories of boys going in weeks long coma or died according to news articles, a lost testicle would had been last concern as I was having blurry darken visuals and legs muscles kept twitching and couldn’t stand up, they could see my bare thighs twitching the inner muscles. Then there goes puking my guts out for nearly an hour while soccer girl and her adult lady friend watches. Once had people laughing at me and ranking my social status once they find out I spread my legs for bb). I heard some people had organs effected by burst of blood while liver, guts or kidneys were bending and twisting in odd ways because testicles are visceral organs sharing the same nervous system and direct path to closest internal system, before hitting the brain. Broken internal hidden sex parts, kidney and liver problems, lung functiions, even brain destruction when blood supply gets cut off for too long after a brutal kick that some ball busters truly enjoyed doing. It makes me Genuinely scared but I truly liked spreading my legs for women and girls.

How does everyone else afford living in my area .. Not only that but the judgement and genuine denigration when I’m trying my best. This is different than anything else I felt like I’m always wrong no matter what and each comes with threats of kicking me out of society after they’re done with social humiliations. Good thing I live alone being fostered since 13 and my foster guardian doesn’t know, knowing would make it much worse.

Regarding the bb videos. I would had 100% agreed to film with masks on if I was a teen and one of the 2 women or 6 girls asked to film, mask, full nudity and full boner. Not so much today, I couldn’t get a boner up early session and I don’t have self esteem on camera. Even if I did, I’d feel used and tossed away after she gets what she wants. It doesn’t feel the same anymore.
Posted by: confusedemotion

Re: Story behind an iconic and viral BB clip - 09/10/22 09:29 PM

If its too long, dont read it.

This kid lost his testicle, the girl was an martial arts expert. Women self defense classes really teaches them how to kick, squeeze and break balls. A few local girls would hide the fact and use every technique at full force to boys when I was at a semi-public boarding school northern PA. When you leave school grounds out into the county and surrounding, anything goes, even your balls. Not every boy was unfortunate enough to lose a testicle but locals involved heard of a boy losing testicle every year. Squeezing, twisting and pulling should never be underestimated. It had castrated one. The fact the ideological atmosphere in social work and community were occultist radfems. The ones teaching, gave full pentegram and triple goddess blessings for girls to bust and break boys. Thats how i got involved, mixed with girlpower and womanpower dvds being played in local community lesiure rooms paved the way to femdom kink. I was bullied by an older girl at summer camp, socially and physically. I was invited to a small stream ravine area. When i got my first kick i never expected it, swift BOOM, her sandal foot from my front lodged deep up my flimsy thin swim-shorts, sharp throbbing visceral pain and humiliations penetrated deep into my spirit. The girl group watched, 2 women (special activities director and camp counselor) watched nearby from 13 yards without any interference. I said "boys are born physically stronger, thats our advantage in sports and we should be picked first for athletic jobs" 3 days earlier in a larger group discussion. I felt tricked being invited by 2 random girls to the river area. By 30 minutes, i got up wiping my tears and a boner emerged, i casually crawled and dragged my soft-firm young butt into the river to cool off my erection so the women dont see it and get into more trouble. My swim-shorts were off-white translucent, they were given for free by camp since its thin, cheap and auto massed produced by machine almost completely including sloppy machine stitching. Only waist band had hand work. The netted front flaps inside swim trunks were small. Any "boner" pop, as girls called it then, would bounce cock to left or right thigh, exposing shaft and bell tip to translucent polyester slab. When wet, practically perfect details. I was pulled out immedaitely by activities director and she saw it. I was marked as the boy with ballbusting boner, the word "ballbusting" was used by women but never sexually. Rather brutality to boys privates or fighting patriarchal norms. I could feel the pain shifts, twitching ball-pain extruding to my prostate, seminal vesicles and bladder, throbbing them. I was leaking urine on its own. Stomach sick, but not puking.

I was a teen browsing gif and youtube, occassionally i stumble across videos of boys slammed in the balls by girl and woman in video dont care, some punish the boys, those are the situations that cause ballbusting fetish in my opinion. " Thats how it should be, your sex parts' pecking orders are beneath women and girls.

It started out girlpower girlbullying during preteen to early teen.

Then the male grow to heavier stuff as few years later mid puberty and ready for sex. As if a local dianic witch casted a spell. In my case, i was really into it.

This was totally me, except soccer-girl would use a butch radfem's empty cabin-shed. Music quietly played were usually from Golden Rod studio per butch witch's music collection.. Womyn voices and musician throughout. The queer butch watches from all angles while i'm strung up and fully exposed (she always pull the underwear off) so when its her turn, butch witch could savour her barefoot impact and deep tangle in balls. I almost hated when it was her turn because she would turn my balls purple and swollen worse than the soccer girl but something about her brutality made me fully erect and wanting to cum immediately and she uses that to expertly tease me into taking more. She always finish it with handjob or footjob. Vaginal or anal when lucky. I would collapse after squirting as the pain from smashed balls and thrashed cock sets in. She always try for post orgasm torture and post orgasm ballbusting on me. Then i regret cummin front of others watching it tgrough window, real humilation front of womyn. After a week, i'm aroused again and ready to offer myself. The queer butch witch needed the sadism release to build arousal with her lesbian partner,her partner was also a top but watching on willing boy was enough to stir her arousal. After squirting into the room, then their infamously barbaric post-orgasm ballbusting cock-thrashing. They untie me and kick me out the cabin-shed immediately. Didnt bother cleaning the floor or walls before "doing it".

The soccer girl sometimes kick sharply with toes forward, once putting all kicking force into tiny square inch, almost castrating me. Needing to drain blood from testicle to save it.

Occassional mounting on boner by queer butch witch was a treat but i was always in spread bondage. Signaling she's not servicing a male, i'm servicing her and she mounts however she wants without my say.

Totally was me as teen dominated to the limit except a cabin-shed, not an apartment. I fell out with soccer-girl at 16 and I stayed as butch witch's sub until late 18 when i moved states. She had her lesbians to stimulate her orgasms. I was mainly her sadism vessel and i liked exposing myself to dominant women when i'm in position of submission.

The area in north PA and Binghamton, NY was a haunt for Goddess worshipping movement. By the time Guru Rasa Von Werder / Kellie Everts officially moved in, it already reached past its peak few years before. There were lot of conscious energy of womyn first, socially, physically, economically and sexually. To offset thousands of years of patriarchy and bring matriarchy society back. Idea was the sky's cosmo alignment is shifting back to matriarchy era amongst the dianic wiccan crowd.

I was given this article by a local and it stayed with my mind. I was failing few courses in school and my grades where below average compared to girls.

A proverbial lesson to girls was "grab em by the balls and dont let go", meaning succeed wherever you are and push forward, dont feel guilt, be ruthless. Win in sports, extend your lead further. Take mentorship and resources, graduate, earn much as you can, nobody has to know where your money is, redirect money back into country to reinvest into your career and expand your business, leaving boys in the dust. There were countless mentorship for girls and motivation support from adult women in the region.

While i was scared to earn 1 dollar per hour more than local girls average jobs.. I was part time yard work and pool boy at min wage during weekday afternoons and evenings and weekend flexible hours. Boarding school was a rural-suburb stretch so adults had to drive me to theur properties. A a few wicked witches at local crafting club would go on long rants if i earned a dollar hourly more than girls. Years later while i was attending college, girls were taking 40$ per hour placements during 2nd to 3rd year. I came back one summer, "Dont blame girls and women, take responsiblity for your own failures, are you going to cry after being dominated again??" said the same radfems.

They seen me at summer outdoor camp for years and around the area since i arrived at 12-13 as a foster. They were always brutal to me socially and spiritually. Few years later, they knew i was a ballbustee for a queer butch and watched bdsm through cabin windows throughout years.they seen me destroyed. They seen my boner squirt multiple orgasms while in bondage, butch witch and her partner begin post-orgasm ballbusting and boner thrashing while bell tip was still dripping, then brutalized till i used every energy to attempt shutting my legs, spread wide by the ankles and knees. Wishing i never had balls, i cried them to neuture me, they mocked me and genuinely laughter. Not the kinky stuff. They seen my face busted in, body used as boxing bag, smooth glowing butt spanked and caned over years til rough shape. Seen my boyparts crushed under barefoot till i fainted, with their amusement.

Here they were, denigrading me a few years later for being worthless. It felt like i was thrown into a meatgrinder figuratively. They knew the ins and outs socially, even the looks of my anus and inner. That i never seen.

Years later i stumble upon this article it all made sense. A few pictures down has a pair of detached bare testicles outside the scrotum. She was probably encouraging local girls and women to be brutal, along motivated by Germaine Geers book the beautiful boy. Had zero qaulms about seeing me nude. Others like Ruth Rhiannon Barret and her circle had influenced the area for years before but differently, mainly through events and books. It was more idealogical and philsophical seperatistism than engaging with males.though social any engagement meant on her terms and not his. They called ballbusting hackeysack or nutcracker in 70s - 80s apparently and yes, masochism appears. They know full well by 90s.

I once had 1 inch of scrotum scraped open through butch domina's big toe and blood slowly dripped out as she continued kicking freshly opened balls. Lower my ceiling strung wrists by a spool, kept my ankle ropes, dropped me to floor, her barefoot stomped and pressed opened balls against the floor. I was still erect with pre-cum oozing on tip, but slowly deflating, I would had done anything to cum those days, which i lose the privilege if i summon my given safeword - some sort of dianic witchcraft phrase. Describing the color changes through the opened sac as her other barefoot drops full weight on my pre-cum tipped boner against my left thigh. I cant remember much of it, she was standing and bending her knees forward, left-to-right continuously to grind her weight on balls against her cabin-shed's wood floor and full weight on right knees as her body leaned towards it. "You wish to be ridden?", take it.

Her spellcasting partner was harnessing energy. She said to butch witch, "his face is changing color". I soon passed out. She was tribbing her partner outside when i came around. Saw her head by window, partber's leg on her shoulders, grinding their hips. She kept her promise and rode me immediately afterwards without needing a douche washing. Mounting my "boner" on same position I was crushed earlier. She spooled my wrists rope upwards, ensuring my hands cant interfere her movements. My shoulders were inches off the floor in odd predicament like a rag doll, my foot slightly swelled pinkish in ankle roped.
Cummed 5 times and begged to stop, the deers could hear from windows that august late evening. When she grips her vaginal muscles angling her g spot, i lose control and cum easily.

Got myself stitched up that night, told the doctor it was a sports accident.

I never shared my early bdsm history in details because people in person are usually uncomfortable hearing the slightest bit. I was once an attractive boy and lost opportunity for Holister/Abercrombie and Fitch modelling because my boarding school wouldn't bend the schedule for my travels. I spent all my youths in a very extremely leftist area, it'll make Joe Biden look like a right wing nationalist in comparison. I continue to live in a leftist big city because thats what i feel comfortable with. It became part of me.

I frequently got my balls kneed, stomped and kicked up out of my mouth figurative, butch domina said. "When you see stars and vision blur but boner still hard, you know you are a true bottom and only liberal areas can fill your needs". I was never castrated but my sperm levels seem low and both balls changed shapes prenamently - crushed into almost a mini pumpkin shape, with prenament tiny bumps that confuse my female doctor. They're healthy and functional, but lower sperm count and 2 burst mini vessel by "high blood pressure locally" in my balls. I know it was one of the butch witch's stomped and kicks, her squeezes and twists while brutal, wouldnt burst anything. If i take picture of erect cock from top side and underside, you could see burst tubes healed and especially underside, dented crushed spots vertically along erect shaft by crushing her weight on it over years because the queer witch was 200 lbs and i was 120-140 through the years she topped me. She liked showing it to her lesbian partner and she would join in sometimes - she liked collecting the energy for dianic rites. Appearantly making me cum while crushing my boyparts under their barefeet was a gold mine of intense energy and variety of different energies. My twisted, bursted and dented parts could prove problematic in the future, my doctor said. It looks the same as the day i left the northern PA and Binghamton NY area - aged late 18, by late 19 i was fully gone and forget, used and discarded meat. To Chicago I went. Everything was functional when butch witch last mounted em with a mighty grip. I'm still mid 20s and not enjoying my life today anyways, it shouldn't matter. I want to return the exciting days of youth when everything was thrilling adventure.

There are probably lot more i forget.. Im letting my history out if i accidently overdose and die in this lonely bustling city, maybe my thoughts and feelings are immortalized through texts, deep corners of internet on