bdsm creativity & other effects

Posted by: ztrade

bdsm creativity & other effects - 10/04/21 10:24 PM

I have several lines of work, depending on the year and the month. One of those lines of work appears to be on the verge of a strong turn for the better and may provide much more income than expected, or more income than in previous years. I wondered what might be different, if anything. I wondered if I had been more creative in analyzing problems or simply more zealous and passionate . . .

In addition to wondering about myself and the exercise of creativity I have recently shown in a line of work, there is a study which has results published in 2016. Researchers recruited 14 people from Fetlife and then assigned them to be top or bottom while measuring various sorts of mental states and conditions, during or after the domination scene.

It turns out that they now have found statistical evidence of what "we" knew anecdotally, which is that sessions reduce stress, improve mood and often result in or increase sexual arousal.

Those who were topping tend to veer into a particular altered state of consciousness and so did those who were bottoms, though these 2 altered states are different. Some people in the media or informal blogs have cited the study for the thesis that bdsm enhances creativity. Maybe; maybe not!

Oh, ok! Being the victim, sub or bottom tends to lead to temporary hypofrontality. HypoF is a cause or symptom or is correlated with several things that seem to be brain disease or mental illness, such as schizophrenia, MDD, ADD and bipolar disorder.

Of course, other people believe that being schizo actually leads to greater creativity and/or hearing voices, which may be from onesself or which may be from God, angels, demons, aliens and anyone else who might be out there!

With being the recipient of bdsm, you tend to have the altered state favoring transient hypoF, meaning that the hypoF is temporary rather than permanent or static.

The guy who is schizo and the guy who is the sub are often not using the thinking part of their brain to critically evaluate things. That can be good and that can be bad, depending on the situation and use to which the condition is put or what its results are. In the case of a guy who is a sub, the hypoF is temporary, presumably, though there are presumably longer term effects!