Don't a lot of these outfits look dominant?

Posted by: junglebeast

Don't a lot of these outfits look dominant? - 02/11/21 07:50 PM

I'm not fashion expert, but am I wrong?,YDF1377,JY3568&utm_source=google&utm_medium=gdn&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI77-ZsZHj7gIVq9ooBR22YQYfEAEYASAAEgK6RPD_BwE
Posted by: Cheyenne

Re: Don't a lot of these outfits look dominant? - 02/11/21 09:32 PM

It is all the way a woman wears it. A hairdresser who worked at shop I used to frequent was a strikingly beautiful woman. One day she walked into the shop in stiletto heels with an ankle bracelet and toe ring. I laughed silently to myself. She probably had no idea how many foot fetish men were nearly tripping over their own feet watching her walk down the street like she owned it.