Elena De Luca Phone and Webcam Sessions!

Posted by: ElenaDeLuca

Elena De Luca Phone and Webcam Sessions! - 10/13/15 11:14 AM

It’s an admin day. To most of you this probably doesn’t seem so exciting and that is because you are looking at this the wrong way. Thankfully you have me to show you the right way. You lucky bitches.

I’ll be lounging about my apt in something resembling the above photo; possibly w/ thigh high socks or legwarmers (fuck pants!). Stop jerking off, I haven’t gotten to the exciting part yet.

Now the aforementioned “exciting part” - I am giving you the opportunity to make all of your dreams come true! I can’t even tell you how many times a day I get comments or emails or texts or calls from slaves just asking how they can serve me and make my life better. Well here is that chance!!

While I’m sitting at my computer answering emails and filling out DMCA forms and working on my schedule you, yes YOU, can brighten my day! Sound too good to be true? How could someone as lowly and pathetic as you actually brighten the day of a Goddess such as myself?

Make my day better by calling me on NiteFlirt or emailing MsElenaDeLuca@gmail.com (Yes, you too can be one of those emails I answer) to book a webcam or chat session!

*You will be charged for all services you provide.

**Mistress amusement is not guaranteed, try harder.

