New Board glitches

Posted by: kickable

New Board glitches - 10/26/15 07:35 PM

So far, none of the banner ad links work.
Also, i find the Mistress Names in gold on their posts are difficult to read. There is not enough contrast with the orange.
Posted by: DominaAdmin

Re: New Board glitches - 10/27/15 04:57 AM

Thank you. We will address these issues. Admin
Posted by: Mistress Ayn

Re: New Board glitches - 10/27/15 05:30 PM

The red really is fatiguing to the eyes and difficult to read, as you say. I was able to change the appearance in preferences - I think it's under stylesheet - and now Mine looks just like MF, with the blue and grey. Much easier on the eyes.
Posted by: Mistress_Genesis

Re: New Board glitches - 10/30/15 03:36 AM

The error for the big FetBot banner:

404 Not Found

The server can not find the requested page: (port 80)

Please forward this error screen to's WebMaster.
Posted by: DominaAdmin

Re: New Board glitches - 11/02/15 11:05 AM

Thanks for bringing the banner issue to our attention. The issue has been resolved