The Necessity Of Moderation

Posted by: DominaAdmin

The Necessity Of Moderation - 07/12/19 09:04 AM

First and foremost, the Buzz is a board dedicated to Female Domination.

The Buzz Moderators Do Not approve posts before they become public, no one does. The Buzz is in favor of unmoderated free speech unless it becomes abusive, disparaging, or libelous.

We at the Buzz realize the potential for a discussion/review board with no Moderation to damage the reputation of a Professional Dominatrix or domination house.

Unfortunately this happened on the unmoderated "after max" version of the Hang on numerous occasions. Several members left the board due to a basic lack of courtesy and esprit de corps.

In the case of suspicious negative reviews, we make every effort to hear both sides of the story. The original "Max Fisch" handled reviews of a disputed or dubious, nature in much the same fashion.

Thank you

G. Admin