Was wasting time and for some reason was thinking about fetishes and session activities (Shocking, right?). One that came to mind is how much I enjoy receiving her saliva as a session activity, whether it is the Domme spitting on me as denigration or dripping it slowly into my open lips as an intimate activity that safely replaces kissing from her side of things.

However, unlike many other session activities, I really don't remember any discussions about the actual health risks related to this type of fluid exchange. So, I decided to look into it a little before concluding that it is completely safe for someone to spit on your skin (unless you have an open wound or sore). It is also perfectly safe to accept/swallow someone else's spit as long as the person doing the spitting doesn't have an active infection (however, even then it doesn't necessarily translate into your catching something any more than kissing them would).

According to Michael Benninger, MD. (See Cleveland Clinic article below) “Saliva has antibodies and enzymes that decrease the risk of contagions.” Because of this, "Your saliva typically protects you against bacteria in your partner’s saliva". However, this type of fluid exchange does significantly increase your risk of catching certain diseases (especially viruses) over skipping this type of activity no matter how good your own saliva is at protecting you.

Diseases that can be, but may not necessarily be, spread through saliva:

Cold (Rhinovirus)
Viral Meningitis
Epstein-Barr (mononucleosis, or mono)
Type 1 herpes (cold sores)
Strep bacteria
Hepatitis B and hepatitis C

Diseases that can not be:
Brain Diseases (Parkinson's/Alzheimer's/Multiple Sclerosis/etc...)

Anyone who doesn't innately understand that accepting someone else's spit in your mouth is a higher risk activity (and something that should be considered "edge play" because of it), is just not paying attention... And there is nothing that can be done to reduce that risk beyond not participating in that activity. However, it is probably not any riskier than a long slow tongue kiss so if you would accept that from your Domme, then allowing her spit into your mouth is probably within your acceptable activity risks for a session.

Basically, if your Domme isn't actively contagious with a disease than can be spread through an exchange of fluids (other than blood), there is no more risk in this activity than any other. So, ask the question on the day of your session and/or tell her to skip this activity if she has any health concerns on the day you meet.


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