There was a thread started no that long ago asking what was the attraction of pain. In a similar vein I am going to inquire about humiliation. I propose that it too be considered a form of masochism but one involving emotional discomfort rather than physical pain. Instead of pain related endorphins humiliation seems to unleash adrenalin (and noradrenalin)which if the testosterone level is high mimics sexual excitement.

Humiliation plays a relatively small role in my masochism. Now and then something clicks and I am effectively humiliated but for every one of those there are four misfires. If there are too many of these wet firecrackers the session tends to leave am unsatisfactory aftertaste.

Licking boots is boring.

However I know that there are those on this forum who are really into humiliation. I am interested in hearing how they view their kink. Do they acknowledge that it is masochistic or do they have an alternate phenomenology?

Licking boots is so boring...