I didn't pick up on his foot fetish until Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. The scene where Margo Robbie has her bare feet propped up on a theater seat blew me away. I thought, "There is no way that is an accident." It was more than just flashing pretty feet. It was pure femdom. It was called to my attention later that he is known for this. As Brad Pitt put it at an award show, "Tarantino has separated more women from their shoes than the TSA."

More than that, there is usually a beautiful kiss ass woman in his films. In Planet Terror, Rose McGown plays a women who lost one of her legs, from the knee down. A friend fits her with a prosthetic that is an automatic rifle. Some of the scenes, of her taking out zombies, are so cool. It screams of female beauty and power. Of course, there is Kill Bill with Uma Thurman. Death Proof cast Zoe Bell, a real life stunt woman, playing herself in a leading role. There heroines of the movie were beautiful stunt women.

Maybe this is common knowledge to everyone else. But, I just noticed his admiration for strong beautiful females. Has anyone else admired this?