Watching it off and on all day today doing projects around the house. It is a LONG movie (4 hrs. plus). Opulent. Excessive. An eyeful of pre-computer spectacle. The whole Taylor/Burton affair scandal in the middle of it. I was 10 at the time and knew about it. The sexual heat on the screen is amazing. Watch it sometime, especially the second half. Taylor/Cleopatra is a dominatrix and Burton/Antony is the grudging submissive... with his love of vino. NO, don't get me wrong, not because Cleopatra was politically powerful. She was, in the Taylor rendition, sexually powerful.

The both of them were good actors. Not great, good. Attractive. But in this movie it wasn't acting. Their lives at that time were on display.

What do you think?

Edited by junglebeast (06/08/22 03:49 PM)
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