I possess height, sensual beauty, scarlet lips and raven hair. I maintain a classically Asian physique with 36D breasts, statuesque legs and delectable size 9 feet, perfect for trampling or worshipping as I desire. In addition to My physical attributes I have acquired an elite university education which has lead to My outstanding business achievements and world-class domination. Moreover, I carry myself with elegance and wit that will leave you stunned. I cherish probing deeply into My fantasies, allowing My insatiable erotic and sadistic nature to spring to life! These are the characteristics I possess and with enough time spent in My company, I will inevitably OWN you. I relish talking to My submissives and slaves, due to verbal humiliation stimulating My vast intellect. Furthermore, I adore playing games and conducting session with either sex including couples. Subsequently, I embrace challenging your submissive nature and masochistic desire on multiple levels. I will make you dependent on responding to My every beck and call. On your knees, looking up at Me, you will drip with anticipation, hang on My every syllable and pray for more. You will grovel, beg and implore to become My collared property. In the end, I will consume your waking consciousness and blissfully haunt your dreams.

A note from Ms Boss: I welcome this fine Lady to my studio on the dates listed. You are welcome to set up an appointment to see her here. Solo as well as double, overlap, extended and overnight appointments are available. Do inquire!

Send email: Alexis Kim at the Pittsburgh Compound December 1st and 2nd - pittsburghboss@gmail.com

Research: Alexis Kim's Website - http://mistressalexiskim.com

Edited by Ms Alexis Kim (12/01/17 12:29 PM)


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