I think LE could care less. At least, I've never been on a set where anything illegal has been going on. The issue has come from credit cared processors. It started getting bad about 10 years ago and, has been escalating since. The only folks who really seem to care about the censorship are the banks and, that is probably coming from their financial backers. One of the reasons that C4S has been so successful is that the owner learned to play the credit card processing game early one. He has spent a lot of money setting up overseas processing accounts, so that if one goes bad, he's got another to fall back on. Some times the credit card processors who accept bdsm content disappear and, take video producers money with them. That happened to me with Ibill about 15 years. I lost at least 20k but, other people lost much more. C4S has mastered cc processing. Most folks with websites use CCbill. They are a great company. But, every year, Visa billing does an audit of the websites. Sites like Pornhub will put up outrageously obscene sex videos but not allow a decent bull whipping. Pirates are making more money off FemDom videos than the ladies who made them these days. Hopefully, that explains, without too much information. :-)