Given my circumstances in life, pain has become one of the doorways, if not the primary, to pleasure and euphoric release for me.

I've never really seen myself as a risk taker, but when I look back on it, some of the activities I did as a younger person were certainly risky and dangerous. I avoided the "obvious" dangers like skydiving and mountain climbing and shopping on Black Friday, but I loved to partake in just about anything fast ... i.e. cars, off-road ATV's, etc.

I'm still learning about myself ... about my likes and interests in the world of BDSM ... but I can unequivocally say that pain and pleasure go hand-in-hand for me.

Oh, and yes ... I freaking *love* spicy food!
Fear, anxiety, arousal & pain; all are emotions & sensations. Feel them, experience them, surrender to them & learn to accept them.
