Pain is necessary. Maybe not to pleasure, but to my scene. I don't get into whether it's the opposite of anything. That kind of construction doesn't connect for me.

Winter makes me want the spring. Spring wouldn't be nearly what it is without that midwestern winter. A long difficult run is what makes the ending great. Not simply seeing 13.1 on my gps watch. It needs to be difficult. Surmounting the desire to quit has to be part of it.

Someone will say that's our puritan mindset. But that's not worth any more to me than calling things opposites. I can only report and try to understand my own intuition in these matters.

A session without a flogging, without marks, without rope burns and cuff-marks, without chastity -- doesn't click for me. Much as I wish to fuck She'd give me a key to the device in the week (or 2 weeks... She's so mean...) beforehand or not insist on leaving marks, the session won't work without them. And we both know it.

So it doesn't really matter what an MD says is the opposite of what. What matters is that there's no spring without winter.