Originally Posted By AspX

Unfortunately, snapping in a session doesn't have a direct correlation to mental health or diagnosed issues. IMO, It is a random thing that is very circumstantial and completely unpredictable. Those with known issues (even undisclosed ones) may even be less likely to snap because they are cognizant of their mental issues vs someone who is normally well-adjusted.

Yes, anyone could snap regardless of diagnosed issues or no issues. What I meant is, if you DO know you have a trigger or something that sets you off it is probably in everyone's best interest to disclose that information given how intense sessions can be. Even if talking about mental health is uncomfortable.

I grew up with someone with BPD. She would become angry/rageful/violent when certain things were said or certain things happened. I learned very quickly what those triggers were and avoided them.

Life in general can be completely unpredictable, but I still want to be prepared whenever possible.