Okay. I do have to come clean, I have a psychological attachment to McDonalds french fries. A few times a year I will get some, and have had a slave pick them up for me once or twice when I was in NYC.

That aside, when I was younger and touring I had a few occasions where a slave offered to take me out. Each of these times each of these slaves had the same excitement to "really treat" me to a nice restaurant where they were known as regulars. I got to experience Red Robin, Macaroni Grill and Outback Steak house. Fine dinning outside of NYC, SF and LA can be incredible subjective, and yeah, after that I preferred to try to get more sessions and just order room service than experience "local flavour." I too, knew the waitress at Denny's when I was a teenager. That did not make it a place I would bring someone to impress them.

I am a snob, sure. I don't want to go to a restaurant where I cook better, and I am a pretty decent cook. Up your game, slaves! grin
I've broken all my toys. Would you like to be broken?