Originally Posted By AspX
snapping in a session doesn't have a direct correlation to mental health or diagnosed issues.

Originally Posted By Mistress Tissa
No correlation?

Sorry Mistress Tissa, not what I said or meant... The point I was trying to make in response to Kneel4Her, rather than your original post, was that snapping in a session can occur regardless of whether a sub is mentally stable or has some diagnosed condition. Mental issues does not necessarily mean someone will snap in a session and stability doesn't mean they won't... that is what I meant when I used the term "direct correlation".

I don't suffer from any diagnosed mental condition, including claustrophobia, but that doesn't mean that I didn't snap once when I was put in a sleepsack and shoved under the bed where my Domme was going to sleep for the night because my nose was literally 6 inches away from the bedframe. I was incredibly excited at the opportunity, but almost as soon as I was under there I was telling her to get me out and the panic from that moment was too much for me to be in any kind of bondage that night (or to even stay in the room).

I completely agree that if someone has PTSD or suffers from panic attacks based on specific known triggers, that is incredibly important information to share. Just like my own phobia related to needles is directly reflected in my limits list. So, there is definitely a correlation between a specific condition (and trigger) and a sub snapping if a Domme hits too close to home. However, my comment was meant to be read as "snapping" in a session occurs based on a lot of factors (some that may be circumstantial in that given moment only) and is not necessarily based solely on some diagnosed condition, rather than an argument against your original point about communication.