
Well... For me (and my f'd up world view), I actually am very loyal to my Dommes even if it appears that I am completely independent. The key is that I don't see anyone who lives local to me and that is what makes me so different in my patterns. So, whether I see someone is dependent upon when they come to Detroit or when/where I visit.

My choice to see someone, or not, when they visit is an active one as I do so on every visit they make since it is never more than every couple of months. Therefore the decision to move on, or not, is an active one that I make each time I see they are coming.

For other cities, I choose a Domme to be my Domme in that city (which is why you may hear me say "my Vegas Domme” or "my New York Domme” for example) and that is who I always see during my visits. In some cases, it is the sole purpose of that visit. So, again, moving on is an active choice to change Dommes (or actually to stop seeing that particular Domme and therefore find someone else) or to not even visit a particular city anymore.

It may not seem like it, but I do see the same Dommes over and over again (which is also how/why I get such amazing opportunities for service) and have active relationships that have lasted for over a decade... They just aren't dedicated in the way that you normally see.

I hope that answers your question about how my no longer seeing a Domme constitutes "moving on".