I have done it with multiple Dommes in different situations that they control but it had only been with Dommes I have an established relationship with so that may make a difference.

I have several rules that I insist upon, with the most relevant probably being that I do not have to drive anywhere for 12 hours after the end of the session. I have been ordered to a place and then sort of kidnapped and taken to a dungeon for the night... I have gotten to a dungeon through mass transit when sober then been forced to take a cab back (paying cash... Which you cannot do with Uber)... I have had a Domme come to my hotel room and do the session. In some of these cases, it was "overnight" in that it was part of multiple-day slavery.

Not sure what your specific concerns around "discretion" & hotels are, but most Dommes who do hotel sessions show up looking normal rather than drawing attention to themselves by stomping through the lobby in fetish gear. Cabs may cost more than Uber, but they also don't require your personal info just to book them so that may be your answer.