Domina M, it is no contest! grin

I approach every session from the perspective of just buckling up and enjoying the ride that the Domme chooses to take me on. As I mentioned, I get to subspace very quickly and anything that upsets the "suspension of disbelief" needs to dealt with quickly.

For that reason, having a strong plan B ready to go if plan A goes off the tracks is definitely the SIGN of a true professional!

The suspension problem I experienced was actually pretty scary. The crossbeam broke, had never been properly attached to the ceiling frame. I dropped about 18 inches and the metal suspension bar landed on my shoulders with a fair amount of force. While I was more shaken that injured, it was a great learning experience for me and made me realize the importance of research and reputations when looking to contact a new Domme.

Glad you got your Tremblr working. I did a little research on it and it looks like a great toy. Hopefully, I will experience one someday.
