I have been really resistant to deposits for the most part. I have my own space, and rarely share--so that I am not taking away from someone else's money if I have a no show.

For the past 20 years I have had a three point confirmation system which has served me well, but I am VERY strict about it. Don't confirm at 12? Great your appointment is canceled and I am gong to the gym or tackling the mountain of admin work (Or avoiding said admin by going on message boards crazy) Now if you made an appointment, did not confirm, THEN you have to make a deposit. You have lost that privilege. It is very rare someone confirms and does not show--it happens, but rarely. People I have seen before always show to their appointments with a few exceptions due to emergencies.

I do ask deposits for people who want more than the normal 2 hour session that I have not seen before--or on occasion if I am traveling. If they have a problem with that, they can book a shorter, intro session before the longer session.

I am also in a different position than dommes who have to travel, have a vanilla job, have a family, share space, or just can't be bothered with slave fuckery. (My patience amazes myself sometimes.)
I've broken all my toys. Would you like to be broken?