It all started on September 25th, 2018 in Atlanta. It was already a pretty auspicious day for me as i was seeing Mistress Ayn for a session later that day leading into a crazy two weeks of control by Her, Mistress Ultra Violet and Goddess Samantha (as well as additional sessions with Mistress Ming and Miss Vera Virgo) that played out across Twitter and throughout DomCon NOLA.
However, that was also the day that Mistress Ayn had given her blessing and permission for myself and John to meet for lunch. It was at that lunch that John proposed an idea and asked if i would be interested. A multi-sub, multi-Domme play party at Atlanta Dungeon where who knows what could happen. i thought this was a very cool idea and agreed we should propose it to Mistress Ayn to see what she thought.
After my insanity at DomCon, and all of my “public†service to the Atlanta Dungeon Dommes on Twitter, was over John agreed to take it to Her. he brought it up Her when they met to session later that day, and Mistress Ayn was definitely intrigued, but said She would take it to Mistress Ultra Violet and the others to see what they would be interested and willing to do. From the sub side, we started talking about it as a possibility on Twitter during mid-October and several other subs stepped forward saying they were interested.
Mistress Ayn spoke with the other Dommes and They decided it should be invite only with subs that the Sisters of the Atlanta Dungeon knew had what They considered to be the right approach. The amount of subs would be limited to three or four with at least one Domme present for each sub (and possibly one or two more). At first, They proposed a full day multi-sub event at FemDom Mansion but our original idea was really just a multi-hour play party. Unfortunately, that really didn’t work financially at the bigger facility so it looked like what ultimately became the Triple Threat event was DOA.
The problem with our idea, as Mistress Ayn saw it, was that the Atlanta Dungeon didn’t have enough rooms for an event with four subs nor a single room large enough for at least eight people to not trip over each other while playing. One of the subs explained how he thought it could work within the space and then Mistress Ayn came to the conclusion that it actually would work if the sissy room was finally completed and ready to be used before the event (the plans were in place, but its construction was essentially stalled at that moment). Mistress Ayn spoke to Mistress Ultra Violet and it was decided that this should be the plan.
After the real interest (rather than just the fantasy) of doing this was gauged amongst those that showed interest on Twitter, it was decided that myself, John and one other sub would be the group of subs. Before the end of October, the general financial arrangements and general form of the event were decided and agreed upon (3 hours in length at the Atlanta Dungeon itself). The ultimate date of January 19th 2019 was also decided upon because of the complications of coordinating the schedules of all of us (other than John) having to travel across the country to Atlanta, the time necessary to complete the build-out of the sissy room and the general craziness of the holidays.
Planning started in earnest at the beginning of November and Mistress Ayn came to us and asked if we minded if Wheelz, who was one of Mistress Ultra Violet’s subs, be included as well. The three of us then again became four and it was agree that the ratio of Dommes to subs should be 1:1 with the event happening from three to six pm, with a dinner party for all involved after we were done. Unfortunately, things again got set back in the middle of November when the other original sub had to drop out, but Wheelz, John and i were still all in and the final makeup of the Triple Threat event was set with the three of us as subs and Mistress Ayn, Mistress Ultra Violet and Goddess Samantha as the Dommes.
So, on November 15th, the order went out to me: “Done. Asp, buy your tickets.†(which i did hours later after Mistress Ming, who was visiting Detroit at the time, was done torturing my cock and balls) and we were all locked in to the event with deposits being sent and accepted. However, the most prophetic statement of what was to happen in the run-up to the event was sent by Wheelz the following day: “You’ve heard the saying that everyone is here for a reason, even if that reason is to serve as a bad example? Asp has kind of been that example for me at least in regards of what not to say. i’ve learned a lot from his interactions with the Mistresses of AD!!!â€
Throughout the rest of November and December, Mistress Ayn, John, Wheelz and i talked, joked and plotted in Twitter group DM that She had set up (as well as one we subs created for ourselves). Some of this spilled over into the public areas of Twitter and the three of us really built a strong bond of brotherhood that the Triple Threat sisters truly enjoyed seeing. Finally, on January 9th Mistress Ayn sent the following to us in the group DM:
“Okay boys, the date is right around the corner. Not all of you are known well to all of Us so i am going to need some information from you. Make a very brief (directed at you asp) list of your hard limits and top interests. Imagine that We are going to tape this list to your chest - and maybe We will - and it's the only information We have about you. We want to be able to get the gist without having to read a book. Think of it as crib notes for Dommes. I want each of you to email this assignment to Meâ€
… and now we were off and running in earnest… each of us quickly did as instructed and the Triple Threat Sisters now had what they needed to really build their plan of attack. Over that weekend they sat down and went over what we had presented to them, then on Sunday January 13th we were all put into service with another group DM telling us our tasks and instructions for the week ahead:
“Ok boys, it's that time - time to get excited, afraid and very pliable. you three have the unique experience ahead of you of serving three Dommes simultaneously while having a little competition among yourselves. I wonder who is going to do the best job of putting a smile on Our faces. We have never even made a film this debaucherous so We Ladies are very excited.
Each of you has different interests and capabilities so your pre-session instructions will be individualized accordingly. All three of you are being given access to for the week. you are to watch at least one video per day that includes Goddess Samantha or Ultra Violet or all three of Us. To find them click on "models" at the top of the page, then click on UV or Sam's photo and it will provide a list of clips they are in.
John - you have the ability to go into chastity, so you will do so upon receipt of this message. you will remain in chastity (except for removal for cleaning and unless otherwise instructed) until Saturday where you will arrive locked and present Us with the key.
Wheelz - you are to play with your nipples while watching the clips.
asp - you are to edge while watching - no whining that you have the toughest assignment - you deserve it. That's also what you get for not being able to go into chastity.
Obviously no orgasms for anyone. Wheelz you should rock at this! In addition, be on the watch out for public tweets on Twitter. Any of us may give you instructions at any time. you are expected to comply at your soonest opportunity.
On Saturday, it will be the same drill as when you do a normal session. Any questions?â€
Wheelz responded by asking how we should acknowledge when our daily assignment was done. But, since i had performed this type of service for Mistress Ayn and Mistress Ultra Violet at least twice in the past, i jumped in with the answer that we should do so publicly on Twitter tagging all three of the Sisters so they would easily see it and saying exactly what we had done in service to Them (along with which clip we watched). Mistress Ayn said that this doing what i said wasn’t mandatory but they would appreciate if we did, and that is all any of us had to hear because pleasing the three of Them was our main goal.
For the next week, each of us did our assignments and posted publicly about them, as well as joking and taunting each other or being taunted by Mistress Ayn, Mistress Ultra Violet or Goddess Samantha. Many others, both Dommes and subs, joined in on this foreplay. Wheelz hit on calling it the #TripleThreat at some point and that became the name we all used from then on. Wednesday brought another extra assignment for each of us, this time publicly on Twitter so that the audience we had built up could witness it, and the excitement about the event just built and built in all of U/us.
Finally, Saturday arrived. i went to the airport and headed towards Atlanta. Wheelz rolled into his van and drove from Alabama. John… well, had a nice breakfast and waited around until it was time to meet up. We had worked out that we would meet 30 minutes beforehand and pick up flowers for the TripleThreat Sisters, but each of us actually arrived an hour before so we sat around and got to know each other face-to-face until it was time to get over to near the dungeon.
John called once we were there for permission to come to the door and to our eternal and complete shock, three Dominant Women weren’t ready on time and made us wait a little bit before giving us the go ahead to come to the Dungeon and begin the TripleThreat event…