I don't think I ever actually replied to this with an answer about myself, which is definitely that I am almost totally a submissive on this scale (except where a specific fetish is involved and then it is just about the proper incorporation of that fetish into a session).

But, to put things into perspective, I had an amazing session just yesterday in NYC and at one point near the beginning the Domme who was being comfortable encased in rubber but wearing completely non-sexy (at least for me) skechers, said that she needed to go put on different shoes. I told her that I was there to see her and that if she needed to put on sexy shoes to get into her Domme headspace she should, but that I would rather she be comfortable and enjoy our time together than to dress for me.

Do I prefer high heels or boots to other shoes? Yes
Do I prefer she be in Rubber/Leather/Lingerie to sweatpants and an oversized shirt? Yes

But, ultimately, my enjoyment derived from her pleasure at me submitting to her and that puts me heavily on the submissive side of things.