#2486 - 07/17/17 09:12 PM
July 17th Update
[Re: AspX]
Registered: 07/08/16
Posts: 1073
Loc: Detroit
If you wish to make sure that your travel information is included in the consolidated travel list for North America, need the information in this post updated/corrected or wish to opt-out of inclusion in the list please contact AspX directly. ArizonaNo Current Travel California - NorthernRebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* San Francisco - August 6th - 9th Mistress Lucy Sweetkill of New York City - http://lucysweetkill.com * San Francisco - August 22nd - 28th California - SouthernMistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Los Angeles (Hollywood) - August 7th - 12th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Los Angeles - August 11th - 14th Ramona Ryder of Oakland, CA - https://www.ramonaryder.com* Los Angeles - August 22nd - 25th ColoradoMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Denver - August 8th - 9th Mistress Clawdia Byrd of Chicago, IL - http://mistressclawdiabyrd-blog.tumblr.com* Denver - August 23rd - 25th ConnecticutNo Current Travel Florida - Mid/NorthernSamantha Muscle of Atlanta, GA - http://www.FetishGoddessSamantha.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 9th Miss Pandora Jones of Philadelphia, PA - http://sexypandora.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Skylar Grey) Miss Skylar Grey of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.destinyschamber.com/skyler-.html* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Pandora Jones) Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 17th Miss Sarah Diavola of Mid-Florida - http://www.SarahDiAvola.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10 - 13th Florida - SouthernMiss Lydia Lamour of New York City - http://www.strictlymisslydia.com* Ft. Lauderdale - August 6th - 13th (Daytime only) GeorgiaNo Current Travel IllinoisNo Current Travel IndianaNo Current Travel LouisianaNo Current Travel MaineNo Current Travel MarylandFor Baltimore Tours See Washington D.C. MassachusettsGoddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Boston - August 10th - 12th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Boston - August 16th, 18th - 19th MichiganMiss Mara Mayhem of Chicago, IL - http://www.maramayhem.com* Detroit - August 8th - 11th MinnesotaMiss Jezebel Sinclair of Arizona - http://missjezebel.com* Minneapolis - August 23rd - 28th MissouriMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* St. Louis - August 7th Nevada - Las VegasMiss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Las Vegas - Aug 31 - Sept 3rd (Shadow Lane) New JerseyNo Current Travel New MexicoNo Current Travel New York - New York CityMistress Ginger Monroe of Tucson, AZ - http://mistressginger.org* New York City (Brooklyn) - August 3rd - 10th Rebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* New York City - August 10th - 13th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* New York City - August 19th - 23rd New York - OutstateMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Ithica - August 1st - 5th North CarolinaNo Current Travel OhioMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Columbus - August 6th OklahomaNo Current Travel OregonMadam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Portland - August 6th - 9th PennsylvaniaDomina Kat Morgan of Detroit, MI - http://www.dominakatmorgan.com* Philadelphia (Plymouth Meeting) - August 20th - 22nd * Philadelphia (Malvern) - August 22nd - 24th * Pittsburgh - August 24th - 26th Puerto RicoNo Current Travel Rhode IslandMistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Providence, RI - August 17th South CarolinaNo Current Travel TennesseeeNo Current Travel TexasMistress Katrina of Austin, TX - http://www.servekatrina.com* Dallas - August 4th - 6th Mistress Mia Darque of Tulsa, OK - http://www.justsayred.com * Dallas - August 4th - 6th Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Dallas - August 10th - 11th Mistress Angel Novalia of Oakland, CA - https://www.thegatessm.com/angel* Austin - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Domina X) MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Dallas, TX - August 31st to September 3rd UtahMsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Salt Lake City - August 4th - 6th VirginiaNo Current Travel Washington (State)No Current Travel Washington DCJulie Simone of St. Louis, MO - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* Washington D.C. - August 2nd - 3rd Dante Posh of Hackensack, NJ - http://www.danteposh.com* Washington D.C. - August 7th - 8th WisconsinNo Current Travel CanadaMiss Xi of Toronto, ON - http://www.missxi.ca* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 4th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) Russian Queen M of Calgary, AL - https://www.queenmdominatrix.com* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 4th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th * Ottawa, ON - August 13th - 27th * Montreal, QU - August 28th - September 10th - Information valid as of July 17th, 2017
* This posting is not meant to replace personal Domme Touring information as that contains more and better information than this simple listing. This is just a consolidation of that information by area. Listings are sorted by date of arrival. * Information included here is reported based on information posted at multiple places on the web and is not guaranteed to be accurate. * Clients should understand that Pro Domination is NOT prostitution. There should be no expectation of any penetration or other sexual activity that ends in the word "job". * It is highly recommended that clients look at and evaluate reviews on sites like MaxFisch, Domina.ms, FetLife and The Erotic Review before seeing someone claiming to be a Pro Domme rather than choosing someone because they have some hot pictures. Some BDSM activities can be extremely dangerous so it is critical for your own safety to insure that the provider you are booking with is worth that trust. * To qualify for inclusion, a Pro Domme must have announced travel plans for accepting clients in the city they are visiting and either be a well established and recognized part of the community or have a valid website for clients to be able to reference and evaluate for their own safety. Social Media only based Pro Dommes (including FetLife) without a long and established track record for safety and professionalism do not qualify. * FinDomme only activities such as "cash-point meets" do not qualify for inclusion in this listing. * Although posting may occur more often, updates are only guaranteed to be done on a weekly basis so plan accordingly. * Dommes may opt-out of being included in this listing by contacting AspX directly. All requests of this nature will be respected. * AspX does not take or accept renumeration for Pro Dommes being listed here and all information provided is considered to be "news reporting" based on different sources.
Main sources of information for this article are the following FREE advertising sites for Pro Dommes:
Dickie Virgin Classified Listings Dickie Virgin "Mistress Travel Dates and Discussion" board at Mistress Destiny Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Max Fisch's "The Hang" Discussion Board Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Domina.ms's "The Buzz" Discussion Board "Pro-Dommes on Tour and those that love wish to meet them" Group at FetLife "Pro Domme Network Group" at FetLife "submissives who seek a Pro-Domme" Group at FetLife FetPros Listings
#2520 - 07/23/17 01:07 PM
July 25th Update
[Re: AspX]
Registered: 07/08/16
Posts: 1073
Loc: Detroit
If you wish to make sure that your travel information is included in the consolidated travel list for North America, need the information in this post updated/corrected or wish to opt-out of inclusion in the list please contact AspX directly. ArizonaNo Current Travel California - NorthernRebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* San Francisco - August 6th - 9th Mistress Lucy Sweetkill of New York City - http://lucysweetkill.com * San Francisco - August 22nd - 28th California - SouthernCynthia Stone of New York City - http://mistresscynthia.com* Los Angeles - August 3rd (Doubles w/ Inga Larsson) * Los Angeles - August 8th (Doubles w/ Inga Larsson) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Los Angeles (Hollywood) - August 7th - 12th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Los Angeles - August 11th - 14th Ramona Ryder of Oakland, CA - https://www.ramonaryder.com* Los Angeles - August 22nd - 25th ColoradoMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Denver - August 8th - 9th Mistress Clawdia Byrd of Chicago, IL - http://mistressclawdiabyrd-blog.tumblr.com* Denver - August 23rd - 25th ConnecticutNo Current Travel Florida - Mid/NorthernSamantha Muscle of Atlanta, GA - http://www.FetishGoddessSamantha.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 12th Miss Pandora Jones of Philadelphia, PA - http://sexypandora.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Skylar Grey) Miss Skylar Grey of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.destinyschamber.com/skyler-.html* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Pandora Jones) Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 17th Miss Sarah Diavola of Mid-Florida - http://www.SarahDiAvola.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10 - 13th Goddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 11th - 13th Florida - SouthernGoddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Ft. Lauderdale - July 17th - August 10th Miss Lydia Lamour of New York City - http://www.strictlymisslydia.com* Ft. Lauderdale - August 6th - 13th (Daytime only) GeorgiaNo Current Travel IllinoisNo Current Travel IndianaNo Current Travel LouisianaNo Current Travel MaineNo Current Travel MarylandFor Baltimore Tours See Washington D.C. MassachusettsGoddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Boston - August 10th - 12th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Boston - August 16th, 18th - 19th MichiganMiss Mara Mayhem of Chicago, IL - http://www.maramayhem.com* Detroit - August 8th - 11th MinnesotaMiss Jezebel Sinclair of Arizona - http://missjezebel.com* Minneapolis - August 23rd - 28th MissouriMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* St. Louis - August 7th Nevada - Las VegasMiss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Las Vegas - Aug 31 - Sept 3rd (Shadow Lane) New HampshireMistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* New Hampshire - August 1st - 3rd New JerseyNo Current Travel New MexicoNo Current Travel New York - New York CityLydia Supremacy of Austin, Tx - http://www.lydiasupremacy.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 1st - 2nd Mistress Ginger Monroe of Tucson, AZ - http://mistressginger.org* New York City (Brooklyn) - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Lynn of Washington, DC - http://www.mistresslynnslair.com* New York City - August 4th - 7th Rebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* New York City - August 10th - 13th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* New York City - August 19th - 23rd New York - OutstateMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Ithica - August 1st - 5th Mistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* The Hamptons - August 4th - 7th North CarolinaNo Current Travel OhioMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Columbus - August 6th OklahomaNo Current Travel OregonMadam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Portland - August 6th - 9th PennsylvaniaDomina Kat Morgan of Detroit, MI - http://www.dominakatmorgan.com* Philadelphia (Plymouth Meeting) - August 20th - 22nd * Philadelphia (Malvern) - August 22nd - 24th * Pittsburgh - August 24th - 26th Puerto RicoNo Current Travel Rhode IslandMistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Providence, RI - August 17th South CarolinaNo Current Travel TennesseeeNo Current Travel TexasMistress Katrina of Austin, TX - http://www.servekatrina.com* Dallas - August 4th - 6th Mistress Mia Darque of Tulsa, OK - http://www.justsayred.com * Dallas - August 4th - 6th Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Dallas - August 10th - 11th Mistress Angel Novalia of Oakland, CA - https://www.thegatessm.com/angel* Austin - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Domina X) MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Dallas, TX - August 31st to September 3rd UtahMsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Salt Lake City - August 4th - 6th VirginiaNo Current Travel Washington (State)No Current Travel Washington DCJulie Simone of St. Louis, MO - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* Washington D.C. - August 2nd - 3rd Dante Posh of Hackensack, NJ - http://www.danteposh.com* Washington D.C. - August 7th - 8th WisconsinNo Current Travel CanadaMiss Jasmine of Vancouver, BC - https://www.eurasianpersuasion.com* Toronto, ON - July 31st - August 5th Miss Xi of Toronto, ON - http://www.missxi.ca* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 4th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) Russian Queen M of Calgary, AL - https://www.queenmdominatrix.com* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 4th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th * Ottawa, ON - August 13th - 27th * Montreal, QU - August 28th - September 10th - Information valid as of July 25th, 2017
* This posting is not meant to replace personal Domme Touring information as that contains more and better information than this simple listing. This is just a consolidation of that information by area. Listings are sorted by date of arrival. * Information included here is reported based on information posted at multiple places on the web and is not guaranteed to be accurate. * Clients should understand that Pro Domination is NOT prostitution. There should be no expectation of any penetration or other sexual activity that ends in the word "job". * It is highly recommended that clients look at and evaluate reviews on sites like MaxFisch, Domina.ms, FetLife and The Erotic Review before seeing someone claiming to be a Pro Domme rather than choosing someone because they have some hot pictures. Some BDSM activities can be extremely dangerous so it is critical for your own safety to insure that the provider you are booking with is worth that trust. * To qualify for inclusion, a Pro Domme must have announced travel plans for accepting clients in the city they are visiting and either be a well established and recognized part of the community or have a valid website for clients to be able to reference and evaluate for their own safety. Social Media only based Pro Dommes (including FetLife) without a long and established track record for safety and professionalism do not qualify. * FinDomme only activities such as "cash-point meets" do not qualify for inclusion in this listing. * Although posting may occur more often, updates are only guaranteed to be done on a weekly basis so plan accordingly. * Dommes may opt-out of being included in this listing by contacting AspX directly. All requests of this nature will be respected. * AspX does not take or accept renumeration for Pro Dommes being listed here and all information provided is considered to be "news reporting" based on different sources.
Main sources of information for this article are the following FREE advertising sites for Pro Dommes:
Dickie Virgin Classified Listings Dickie Virgin "Mistress Travel Dates and Discussion" board at Mistress Destiny Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Max Fisch's "The Hang" Discussion Board Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Domina.ms's "The Buzz" Discussion Board "Pro-Dommes on Tour and those that love wish to meet them" Group at FetLife "Pro Domme Network Group" at FetLife "submissives who seek a Pro-Domme" Group at FetLife FetPros Listings
#2544 - 07/27/17 01:55 AM
July 27th Update
[Re: AspX]
Registered: 07/08/16
Posts: 1073
Loc: Detroit
If you wish to make sure that your travel information is included in the consolidated travel list for North America, need the information in this post updated/corrected or wish to opt-out of inclusion in the list please contact AspX directly. ArizonaNo Current Travel California - NorthernRebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* San Francisco - August 6th - 9th Mistress Lucy Sweetkill of New York City - http://lucysweetkill.com * San Francisco - August 22nd - 28th California - SouthernCynthia Stone of New York City - http://mistresscynthia.com* Los Angeles - August 3rd (Doubles w/ Inga Larsson) * Los Angeles - August 8th (Doubles w/ Inga Larsson) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Los Angeles (Hollywood) - August 7th - 12th Mistress Danielle Blunt of New York City - http://www.mistressblunt.com* Los Angeles - August 10th - 13th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Los Angeles - August 11th - 14th Ramona Ryder of Oakland, CA - https://www.ramonaryder.com* Los Angeles - August 22nd - 25th ColoradoMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Denver - August 8th - 9th Mistress Clawdia Byrd of Chicago, IL - http://mistressclawdiabyrd-blog.tumblr.com* Denver - August 23rd - 25th ConnecticutNo Current Travel Florida - Mid/NorthernSamantha Muscle of Atlanta, GA - http://www.FetishGoddessSamantha.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 12th Ms. Morgan Chase of Detroit, MI - http://detroitdominatrix.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 14th Miss Pandora Jones of Philadelphia, PA - http://sexypandora.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Skylar Grey) Miss Skylar Grey of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.destinyschamber.com/skyler-.html* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Pandora Jones) Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 17th Miss Sarah Diavola of Mid-Florida - http://www.SarahDiAvola.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10 - 13th Goddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 11th - 13th Florida - SouthernGoddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Ft. Lauderdale - July 17th - August 10th Miss Lydia Lamour of New York City - http://www.strictlymisslydia.com* Ft. Lauderdale - August 6th - 13th (Daytime only) GeorgiaNo Current Travel IllinoisNo Current Travel IndianaNo Current Travel LouisianaNo Current Travel MaineNo Current Travel MarylandFor Baltimore Tours See Washington D.C. MassachusettsGoddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Boston - August 10th - 12th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Boston - August 16th, 18th - 19th MichiganDomina Thalia of Chicago, IL - http://www.domina-thalia.com* Detroit - July 28th - August 3rd Miss Mara Mayhem of Chicago, IL - http://www.maramayhem.com* Detroit - August 8th - 11th MinnesotaMiss Jezebel Sinclair of Arizona - http://missjezebel.com* Minneapolis - August 23rd - 28th MissouriMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* St. Louis - August 7th Nevada - Las VegasMiss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Las Vegas - August 9th - 10th Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Las Vegas - Aug 31 - Sept 3rd (Shadow Lane) New HampshireMistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* New Hampshire - August 1st - 3rd New JerseyNo Current Travel New MexicoNo Current Travel New York - New York CityLydia Supremacy of Austin, Tx - http://www.lydiasupremacy.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 1st - 2nd Julie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* New York City (Rubber Studio in Manhattan) - August 1st - 3rd Michelle Lacy of South Florida - http://www.michellelacy.com* New York City (Long Island) - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Ginger Monroe of Tucson, AZ - http://mistressginger.org* New York City (Brooklyn) - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Lynn of Washington, DC - http://www.mistresslynnslair.com* New York City - August 4th - 7th Rebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* New York City - August 10th - 13th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* New York City - August 19th - 23rd Mistress Viktoria Sway of Portland, OR - http://www.viktoriasway.com* New York City - August 21st - 25th New York - OutstateMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Ithica - August 1st - 5th Mistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* The Hamptons - August 4th - 7th North CarolinaNo Current Travel OhioMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Columbus - August 6th OklahomaNo Current Travel OregonMadam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Portland - August 6th - 9th PennsylvaniaDomina Kat Morgan of Detroit, MI - http://www.dominakatmorgan.com* Philadelphia (Plymouth Meeting) - August 20th - 22nd * Philadelphia (Malvern) - August 22nd - 24th * Pittsburgh - August 24th - 26th Puerto RicoNo Current Travel Rhode IslandMistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Providence, RI - August 17th South CarolinaNo Current Travel TennesseeeNo Current Travel TexasMistress Katrina of Austin, TX - http://www.servekatrina.com* Dallas - August 4th - 6th Mistress Mia Darque of Tulsa, OK - http://www.justsayred.com * Dallas - August 4th - 6th Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Dallas - August 10th - 11th Mistress Angel Novalia of Oakland, CA - https://www.thegatessm.com/angel* Austin - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Domina X) MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Dallas, TX - August 31st to September 3rd UtahMsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Salt Lake City - August 4th - 6th VirginiaNo Current Travel Washington (State)No Current Travel Washington DCJulie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* Washington D.C. - August 4th - 5th Dante Posh of Hackensack, NJ - http://www.danteposh.com* Washington D.C. - August 7th - 8th Miss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Washington D.C. - August 29th - 31st WisconsinNo Current Travel CanadaMiss Jasmine of Vancouver, BC - https://www.eurasianpersuasion.com* Toronto, ON - July 31st - August 5th Miss Xi of Toronto, ON - http://www.missxi.ca* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 4th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) Russian Queen M of Calgary, AL - https://www.queenmdominatrix.com* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 4th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th * Ottawa, ON - August 13th - 27th * Montreal, QU - August 28th - September 10th - Information valid as of July 27th, 2017
* This posting is not meant to replace personal Domme Touring information as that contains more and better information than this simple listing. This is just a consolidation of that information by area. Listings are sorted by date of arrival. * Information included here is reported based on information posted at multiple places on the web and is not guaranteed to be accurate. * Clients should understand that Pro Domination is NOT prostitution. There should be no expectation of any penetration or other sexual activity that ends in the word "job". * It is highly recommended that clients look at and evaluate reviews on sites like MaxFisch, Domina.ms, FetLife and The Erotic Review before seeing someone claiming to be a Pro Domme rather than choosing someone because they have some hot pictures. Some BDSM activities can be extremely dangerous so it is critical for your own safety to insure that the provider you are booking with is worth that trust. * To qualify for inclusion, a Pro Domme must have announced travel plans for accepting clients in the city they are visiting and either be a well established and recognized part of the community or have a valid website for clients to be able to reference and evaluate for their own safety. Social Media only based Pro Dommes (including FetLife) without a long and established track record for safety and professionalism do not qualify. * FinDomme only activities such as "cash-point meets" do not qualify for inclusion in this listing. * Although posting may occur more often, updates are only guaranteed to be done on a weekly basis so plan accordingly. * Dommes may opt-out of being included in this listing by contacting AspX directly. All requests of this nature will be respected. * AspX does not take or accept renumeration for Pro Dommes being listed here and all information provided is considered to be "news reporting" based on different sources.
Main sources of information for this article are the following FREE advertising sites for Pro Dommes:
Dickie Virgin Classified Listings Dickie Virgin "Mistress Travel Dates and Discussion" board at Mistress Destiny Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Max Fisch's "The Hang" Discussion Board Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Domina.ms's "The Buzz" Discussion Board "Pro-Dommes on Tour and those that love wish to meet them" Group at FetLife "Pro Domme Network Group" at FetLife "submissives who seek a Pro-Domme" Group at FetLife FetPros Listings
#2561 - 07/29/17 03:59 PM
July 29th Update
[Re: AspX]
Registered: 07/08/16
Posts: 1073
Loc: Detroit
If you wish to make sure that your travel information is included in the consolidated travel list for North America, need the information in this post updated/corrected or wish to opt-out of inclusion in the list please contact AspX directly. ArizonaNo Current Travel California - NorthernRebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* San Francisco - August 6th - 9th Mistress Lucy Sweetkill of New York City - http://lucysweetkill.com * San Francisco - August 22nd - 28th California - SouthernCynthia Stone of New York City - http://mistresscynthia.com* Los Angeles - August 3rd (Doubles w/ Inga Larsson) * Los Angeles - August 8th (Doubles w/ Inga Larsson) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Los Angeles (Hollywood) - August 7th - 12th Mistress Danielle Blunt of New York City - http://www.mistressblunt.com* Los Angeles - August 10th - 13th Miss Rum Dolor of Los Angeles, CA - https://www.rumandruin.com* San Diego - August 11th - 14th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Los Angeles - August 11th - 14th Ramona Ryder of Oakland, CA - https://www.ramonaryder.com* Los Angeles - August 22nd - 25th ColoradoMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Denver - August 8th - 9th Mistress Clawdia Byrd of Chicago, IL - http://mistressclawdiabyrd-blog.tumblr.com* Denver - August 23rd - 25th ConnecticutNo Current Travel Florida - Mid/NorthernSamantha Muscle of Atlanta, GA - http://www.FetishGoddessSamantha.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 12th Ms. Morgan Chase of Detroit, MI - http://detroitdominatrix.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 14th Miss Pandora Jones of Philadelphia, PA - http://sexypandora.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Skylar Grey) Miss Skylar Grey of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.destinyschamber.com/skyler-.html* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Pandora Jones) Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 17th Miss Sarah Diavola of Mid-Florida - http://www.SarahDiAvola.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10 - 13th Goddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 11th - 13th Florida - SouthernGoddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Ft. Lauderdale - July 17th - August 10th Miss Lydia Lamour of New York City - http://www.strictlymisslydia.com* Ft. Lauderdale - August 6th - 13th (Daytime only) GeorgiaNo Current Travel IllinoisNo Current Travel IndianaNo Current Travel LouisianaNo Current Travel MaineNo Current Travel MarylandFor Baltimore Tours See Washington D.C. MassachusettsGoddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Boston - August 10th - 12th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Boston - August 16th, 18th - 19th MichiganDomina Thalia of Chicago, IL - http://www.domina-thalia.com* Detroit - July 28th - August 3rd Miss Mara Mayhem of Chicago, IL - http://www.maramayhem.com* Detroit - August 8th - 11th MinnesotaMiss Jezebel Sinclair of Arizona - http://missjezebel.com* Minneapolis - August 23rd - 28th MissouriMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* St. Louis - August 7th Nevada - Las VegasMiss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Las Vegas - August 9th - 10th Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Las Vegas - Aug 31 - Sept 3rd (Shadow Lane) New HampshireMistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* New Hampshire - August 1st - 3rd New JerseyNo Current Travel New MexicoNo Current Travel New York - New York CityLydia Supremacy of Austin, Tx - http://www.lydiasupremacy.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 1st - 2nd Julie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* New York City (Rubber Studio in Manhattan) - August 1st - 3rd Michelle Lacy of South Florida - http://www.michellelacy.com* New York City (Long Island) - August 3rd - 10th (Doubles w/ Isobel Devi 5th - 10th) Mistress Ginger Monroe of Tucson, AZ - http://mistressginger.org* New York City (Brooklyn) - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Lynn of Washington, DC - http://www.mistresslynnslair.com* New York City - August 4th - 7th Princess Isobel Devi of South Florida - https://www.isobel-devi.com* New York City (Long Island) - August 5th - 10th (Doubles w/ Michelle Lacy) Rebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* New York City - August 10th - 13th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* New York City - August 19th - 23rd Mistress Viktoria Sway of Portland, OR - http://www.viktoriasway.com* New York City - August 21st - 25th New York - OutstateMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Ithica - August 1st - 5th Mistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* The Hamptons - August 4th - 7th North CarolinaNo Current Travel OhioMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Columbus - August 6th OklahomaNo Current Travel OregonMiss Rum Dolor of Los Angeles, CA - https://www.rumandruin.com* Portland - August 2nd - 8th Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Portland - August 6th - 9th PennsylvaniaDomina Kat Morgan of Detroit, MI - http://www.dominakatmorgan.com* Philadelphia (Plymouth Meeting) - August 20th - 22nd * Philadelphia (Malvern) - August 22nd - 24th * Pittsburgh - August 24th - 26th Puerto RicoNo Current Travel Rhode IslandMistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Providence, RI - August 17th South CarolinaNo Current Travel TennesseeeNo Current Travel TexasMistress Katrina of Austin, TX - http://www.servekatrina.com* Dallas - August 4th - 6th Mistress Mia Darque of Tulsa, OK - http://www.justsayred.com * Dallas - August 4th - 6th Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Dallas - August 10th - 11th Mistress Angel Novalia of Oakland, CA - https://www.thegatessm.com/angel* Austin - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Domina X) MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Dallas, TX - August 31st to September 3rd UtahMsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Salt Lake City - August 4th - 6th VirginiaNo Current Travel Washington (State)No Current Travel Washington DCJulie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* Washington D.C. - August 4th - 5th Dante Posh of Hackensack, NJ - http://www.danteposh.com* Washington D.C. - August 7th - 8th Miss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Washington D.C. - August 29th - 31st WisconsinNo Current Travel CanadaMiss Jasmine of Vancouver, BC - https://www.eurasianpersuasion.com* Toronto, ON - July 31st - August 5th Miss Xi of Toronto, ON - http://www.missxi.ca* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 8th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) Russian Queen M of Calgary, AL - https://www.queenmdominatrix.com* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 8th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi & Lady Valeska) * Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Ottawa, ON - August 13th - 27th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Montreal, QU - August 28th - September 10th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) Lady Valeska of Toronto, ON - https://www.ladyvaleska.com* Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Ottawa, ON - August 13th - 27th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Montreal, QU - August 28th - September 10th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) - Information valid as of July 29th, 2017
* This posting is not meant to replace personal Domme Touring information as that contains more and better information than this simple listing. This is just a consolidation of that information by area. Listings are sorted by date of arrival. * Information included here is reported based on information posted at multiple places on the web and is not guaranteed to be accurate. * Clients should understand that Pro Domination is NOT prostitution. There should be no expectation of any penetration or other sexual activity that ends in the word "job". * It is highly recommended that clients look at and evaluate reviews on sites like MaxFisch, Domina.ms, FetLife and The Erotic Review before seeing someone claiming to be a Pro Domme rather than choosing someone because they have some hot pictures. Some BDSM activities can be extremely dangerous so it is critical for your own safety to insure that the provider you are booking with is worth that trust. * To qualify for inclusion, a Pro Domme must have announced travel plans for accepting clients in the city they are visiting and either be a well established and recognized part of the community or have a valid website for clients to be able to reference and evaluate for their own safety. Social Media only based Pro Dommes (including FetLife) without a long and established track record for safety and professionalism do not qualify. * FinDomme only activities such as "cash-point meets" do not qualify for inclusion in this listing. * Although posting may occur more often, updates are only guaranteed to be done on a weekly basis so plan accordingly. * Dommes may opt-out of being included in this listing by contacting AspX directly. All requests of this nature will be respected. * AspX does not take or accept renumeration for Pro Dommes being listed here and all information provided is considered to be "news reporting" based on different sources.
Main sources of information for this article are the following FREE advertising sites for Pro Dommes:
Dickie Virgin Classified Listings Dickie Virgin "Mistress Travel Dates and Discussion" board at Mistress Destiny Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Max Fisch's "The Hang" Discussion Board Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Domina.ms's "The Buzz" Discussion Board "Pro-Dommes on Tour and those that love wish to meet them" Group at FetLife "Pro Domme Network Group" at FetLife "submissives who seek a Pro-Domme" Group at FetLife FetPros Listings
#2579 - 08/06/17 01:56 AM
August 5th Update
[Re: AspX]
Registered: 07/08/16
Posts: 1073
Loc: Detroit
If you wish to make sure that your travel information is included in the consolidated travel list for North America, need the information in this post updated/corrected or wish to opt-out of inclusion in the list please contact AspX directly. ArizonaNo Current Travel California - NorthernRebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* San Francisco - August 6th - 9th Miss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Sacramento - August 9th - 11th Mistress Georgia Payne - http://mistressgeorgiapayne.com* San Francisco - August 11th - 13th Mistress Lucy Sweetkill of New York City - http://lucysweetkill.com * San Francisco - August 22nd - 28th California - SouthernCynthia Stone of New York City - http://mistresscynthia.com* Los Angeles - August 8th (Doubles w/ Inga Larsson) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Los Angeles (Hollywood) - August 7th - 12th Mistress Danielle Blunt of New York City - http://www.mistressblunt.com* Los Angeles - August 10th - 13th Miss Rum Dolor of Los Angeles, CA - https://www.rumandruin.com* San Diego - August 11th - 14th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Los Angeles - August 11th - 14th Ramona Ryder of Oakland, CA - https://www.ramonaryder.com* Los Angeles - August 22nd - 25th ColoradoMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Denver - August 8th - 9th Mistress Clawdia Byrd of Chicago, IL - http://mistressclawdiabyrd-blog.tumblr.com* Denver - August 23rd - 25th ConnecticutNo Current Travel Florida - Mid/NorthernNatalya Sadici of South Florida - http://natalyasadici.net* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 4th - 15th (Doubles w/ Mistress Absolute) Mistress Absolute of London, UK - http://www.mistressabsolute.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 4th - 15th (Doubles w/ Natalya Sadici) Samantha Muscle of Atlanta, GA - http://www.FetishGoddessSamantha.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 12th Ms. Morgan Chase of Detroit, MI - http://detroitdominatrix.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 14th Princess Isobel Devi of South Florida - https://www.isobel-devi.com* St. Petersburg - August 9th - 10th Mistress Jean Bardot of Minneapolis, MN - http://www.jeanbardot.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 9th - 13th Miss Pandora Jones of Philadelphia, PA - http://sexypandora.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Skylar Grey) Miss Skylar Grey of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.destinyschamber.com/skyler-.html* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Pandora Jones) Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 17th Miss Sarah Diavola of Mid-Florida - http://www.SarahDiAvola.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10 - 13th Goddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 11th - 13th Florida - SouthernGoddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Ft. Lauderdale - July 17th - August 10th Miss Lydia Lamour of New York City - http://www.strictlymisslydia.com* Ft. Lauderdale - August 6th - 13th (Daytime only) GeorgiaKing Lexa of Los Angeles, CA - http://kinglexa.com* Atlanta - August 8th - 15th IllinoisNo Current Travel IndianaNo Current Travel LouisianaNo Current Travel MaineNo Current Travel MarylandFor Baltimore Tours See Washington D.C. MassachusettsGoddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Boston - August 10th - 12th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Boston - August 16th, 18th - 19th MichiganMiss Mara Mayhem of Chicago, IL - http://www.maramayhem.com* Detroit - August 8th - 11th MinnesotaMiss Jezebel Sinclair of Arizona - http://missjezebel.com* Minneapolis - August 23rd - 28th MissouriMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* St. Louis - August 7th Nevada - Las VegasMiss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Las Vegas - August 9th - 10th Miss Elizabeth of Indiana - https://www.misselizabethspanker.com * Las Vegas - August 31 - September 2nd (Shadow Lane) Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Las Vegas - Aug 31 - Sept 3rd (Shadow Lane) New HampshireMistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* New Hampshire - August 1st - 3rd New JerseyNo Current Travel New MexicoNo Current Travel New York - New York CityLydia Supremacy of Austin, Tx - http://www.lydiasupremacy.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 1st - 2nd Julie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* New York City (Rubber Studio in Manhattan) - August 1st - 3rd The Only Delilah (aka Scat Queen Delilah) of Atlanta, GA - https://www.theonlydelilah.com* New York City - August 2nd - 8th Michelle Lacy of South Florida - http://www.michellelacy.com* New York City (Long Island) - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Ginger Monroe of Tucson, AZ - http://mistressginger.org* New York City (Brooklyn) - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Lynn of Washington, DC - http://www.mistresslynnslair.com* New York City - August 4th - 7th Rebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* New York City - August 10th - 13th Goddess Evilena of South Florida - http://www.goddessevilena.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 17th - 21st Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* New York City - August 19th - 23rd Mistress Viktoria Sway of Portland, OR - http://www.viktoriasway.com* New York City - August 21st - 25th Lady Sophia Larou of Copenhagen - http://www.copenhagendomina.com* New York City - August 28th - 29th New York - OutstateMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Ithica - August 1st - 5th Mistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* The Hamptons - August 4th - 7th North CarolinaNo Current Travel OhioMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Columbus - August 6th Mistress Montana of Dallas, TX - https://mistressmontana.com* Dayton - August 12th - 15th OklahomaMistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Oklahoma City - August 26th -27th * Tulsa - August 27th -28th OregonMiss Rum Dolor of Los Angeles, CA - https://www.rumandruin.com* Portland - August 2nd - 8th Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Portland - August 6th - 9th PennsylvaniaDomina Kat Morgan of Detroit, MI - http://www.dominakatmorgan.com* Philadelphia (Plymouth Meeting) - August 20th - 22nd * Philadelphia (Malvern) - August 22nd - 24th * Pittsburgh - August 24th - 26th Puerto RicoNo Current Travel Rhode IslandMistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Providence, RI - August 17th South CarolinaNo Current Travel TennesseeeNo Current Travel TexasMistress Katrina of Austin, TX - http://www.servekatrina.com* Dallas - August 4th - 6th Mistress Mia Darque of Tulsa, OK - http://www.justsayred.com * Dallas - August 4th - 6th Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Dallas - August 10th - 11th Mistress Angel Novalia of Oakland, CA - https://www.thegatessm.com/angel* Austin - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Domina X) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Austin - August 24th - 26th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Dallas, TX - August 31st to September 3rd UtahMsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Salt Lake City - August 4th - 6th VirginiaNo Current Travel Washington (State)No Current Travel Washington DCJulie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* Washington D.C. - August 4th - 5th Mistress Chloe of New York City - http://www.tinyurl.com/mistresschloenyc* Washington D.C. - August 6th Dante Posh of Hackensack, NJ - http://www.danteposh.com* Washington D.C. - August 7th - 8th Miss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Washington D.C. - August 29th - 31st WisconsinNo Current Travel CanadaMiss Jasmine of Vancouver, BC - https://www.eurasianpersuasion.com* Toronto, ON - July 31st - August 5th Miss Xi of Toronto, ON - http://www.missxi.ca* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 8th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) Russian Queen M of Calgary, AL - https://www.queenmdominatrix.com* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 8th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi & Lady Valeska) * Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Ottawa, ON - August 13th - 27th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Montreal, QU - August 28th - September 10th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) Cathie La Divine of Ottawa, ON - http://placedivine.com* Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th Lady Valeska of Toronto, ON - https://www.ladyvaleska.com* Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Ottawa, ON - August 13th - 27th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Montreal, QU - August 28th - September 10th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) - Information valid as of August 5th, 2017
* This posting is not meant to replace personal Domme Touring information as that contains more and better information than this simple listing. This is just a consolidation of that information by area. Listings are sorted by date of arrival. * Information included here is reported based on information posted at multiple places on the web and is not guaranteed to be accurate. * Clients should understand that Pro Domination is NOT prostitution. There should be no expectation of any penetration or other sexual activity that ends in the word "job". * It is highly recommended that clients look at and evaluate reviews on sites like MaxFisch, Domina.ms, FetLife and The Erotic Review before seeing someone claiming to be a Pro Domme rather than choosing someone because they have some hot pictures. Some BDSM activities can be extremely dangerous so it is critical for your own safety to insure that the provider you are booking with is worth that trust. * To qualify for inclusion, a Pro Domme must have announced travel plans for accepting clients in the city they are visiting and either be a well established and recognized part of the community or have a valid website for clients to be able to reference and evaluate for their own safety. Social Media only based Pro Dommes (including FetLife) without a long and established track record for safety and professionalism do not qualify. * FinDomme only activities such as "cash-point meets" do not qualify for inclusion in this listing. * Although posting may occur more often, updates are only guaranteed to be done on a weekly basis so plan accordingly. * Dommes may opt-out of being included in this listing by contacting AspX directly. All requests of this nature will be respected. * AspX does not take or accept renumeration for Pro Dommes being listed here and all information provided is considered to be "news reporting" based on different sources.
Main sources of information for this article are the following FREE advertising sites for Pro Dommes:
Dickie Virgin Classified Listings Dickie Virgin "Mistress Travel Dates and Discussion" board at Mistress Destiny Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Max Fisch's "The Hang" Discussion Board Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Domina.ms's "The Buzz" Discussion Board "Pro-Dommes on Tour and those that love wish to meet them" Group at FetLife "Pro Domme Network Group" at FetLife "submissives who seek a Pro-Domme" Group at FetLife FetPros Listings
#2606 - 08/17/17 08:26 PM
August 17th Update
[Re: AspX]
Registered: 07/08/16
Posts: 1073
Loc: Detroit
If you wish to make sure that your travel information is included in the consolidated travel list for North America, need the information in this post updated/corrected or wish to opt-out of inclusion in the list please contact AspX directly. ArizonaNo Current Travel California - NorthernRebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* San Francisco - August 6th - 9th Miss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Sacramento - August 9th - 11th Mistress Georgia Payne - http://mistressgeorgiapayne.com* San Francisco - August 11th - 13th Mistress Lucy Sweetkill of New York City - http://lucysweetkill.com * San Francisco - August 22nd - 28th California - SouthernCynthia Stone of New York City - http://mistresscynthia.com* Los Angeles - August 8th (Doubles w/ Inga Larsson) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Los Angeles (Hollywood) - August 7th - 12th Mistress Danielle Blunt of New York City - http://www.mistressblunt.com* Los Angeles - August 10th - 13th Miss Rum Dolor of Los Angeles, CA - https://www.rumandruin.com* San Diego - August 11th - 14th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Los Angeles - August 11th - 14th Goddess Jennilee of Montreal, QU - http://jenilee.ca* San Diego - August 13th - 23rd Mistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* Los Angeles - August 15th Goddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Los Angeles - August 21st - 26th Ramona Ryder of Oakland, CA - https://www.ramonaryder.com* Los Angeles - August 22nd - 25th Mistress Roxy Jezel of Austin, TX - http://www.mistressroxyjezel.com* San Diego, CA - August 28th - 29th ColoradoMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Denver - August 8th - 9th Mistress Clawdia Byrd of Chicago, IL - http://mistressclawdiabyrd-blog.tumblr.com* Denver - August 23rd - 25th ConnecticutNo Current Travel Florida - Mid/NorthernNatalya Sadici of South Florida - http://natalyasadici.net* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 4th - 15th (Doubles w/ Mistress Absolute) Mistress Absolute of London, UK - http://www.mistressabsolute.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 4th - 15th (Doubles w/ Natalya Sadici) Samantha Muscle of Atlanta, GA - http://www.FetishGoddessSamantha.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 12th Ms. Morgan Chase of Detroit, MI - http://detroitdominatrix.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 14th Princess Isobel Devi of South Florida - https://www.isobel-devi.com* St. Petersburg - August 9th - 10th Mistress Jean Bardot of Minneapolis, MN - http://www.jeanbardot.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 9th - 13th Miss Pandora Jones of Philadelphia, PA - http://sexypandora.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Skylar Grey) Miss Skylar Grey of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.destinyschamber.com/skyler-.html* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Pandora Jones) Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 17th Miss Sarah Diavola of Mid-Florida - http://www.SarahDiAvola.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10 - 13th Goddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 11th - 13th Florida - SouthernGoddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Ft. Lauderdale - July 17th - August 10th Miss Lydia Lamour of New York City - http://www.strictlymisslydia.com* Ft. Lauderdale - August 6th - 13th (Daytime only) GeorgiaMistress Mystique of Boston, MA- http://www.MistressOfYou.com* Atlanta - July 29th - August 16th King Lexa of Los Angeles, CA - http://kinglexa.com* Atlanta (Atlanta Dungeon) - August 8th - 15th Miss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Atlanta (Atlanta Dungeon) - August 12th - 14th IllinoisMistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* Chicago - August 14th Miss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Chicago - August 23rd - 25th Mistress Lila Stern of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.ladylilasbonecastle.com* Chicago - August 28th - 29th Mistress Gypsy of Miami, FL - http://dommeduo.escorts.biz (Doubles w/ Belladonna) * Chicago - August 29th - September 1st IndianaNo Current Travel KentuckyMiss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Louisville - August 26th - 28th LouisianaNo Current Travel MaineNo Current Travel MarylandFor Baltimore Tours See Washington D.C. MassachusettsGoddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Boston - August 10th - 12th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Boston - August 16th, 18th - 19th Mistress Simone of Chicago, IL - http://www.chicago-mistress.com* Boston - August 29th - 30th MichiganMiss Mara Mayhem of Chicago, IL - http://www.maramayhem.com* Detroit - August 8th - 11th Mistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* Detroit (Southfield) - August 20th - 22nd MinnesotaMiss Jezebel Sinclair of Arizona - http://missjezebel.com* Minneapolis - August 23rd - 28th Mistress Lila Stern of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.ladylilasbonecastle.com* Minneapolis - August 24th - 26th MissouriMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* St. Louis - August 7th Nevada - Las VegasMiss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Las Vegas - August 9th - 10th Mistress Lila Stern of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.ladylilasbonecastle.com* Las Vegas - August 18th - 20th Miss Elizabeth of Indiana - https://www.misselizabethspanker.com * Las Vegas - August 31st - September 2nd (Shadow Lane) Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Las Vegas - Aug 31st - Sept 3rd (Shadow Lane) New HampshireMistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* New Hampshire - August 1st - 3rd New JerseyNo Current Travel New MexicoKordelia Devonshire of Las Vegas, NV - http://kordeliadevonshire.com* Albuquerque - August 17th New York - New York CityLydia Supremacy of Austin, Tx - http://www.lydiasupremacy.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 1st - 2nd Julie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* New York City (Rubber Studio in Manhattan) - August 1st - 3rd The Only Delilah (aka Scat Queen Delilah) of Atlanta, GA - https://www.theonlydelilah.com* New York City - August 2nd - 8th Mistress Ginger Monroe of Tucson, AZ - http://mistressginger.org* New York City (Brooklyn) - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Lynn of Washington, DC - http://www.mistresslynnslair.com* New York City - August 4th - 7th Rebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* New York City - August 10th - 13th Mistress Ariana Lexine of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.arianalexine.com* New York City - August 16th - 23rd Mistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* New York City - August 17th - 18th Goddess Evilena of South Florida - http://www.goddessevilena.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 17th - 21st Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* New York City - August 19th - 23rd Mistress Viktoria Sway of Portland, OR - http://www.viktoriasway.com* New York City - August 21st - 25th Lady Sophia Larou of Copenhagen - http://www.copenhagendomina.com* New York City - August 28th - 29th New York - OutstateMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Ithica - August 1st - 5th Michelle Lacy of South Florida - http://www.michellelacy.com* Long Island - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* The Hamptons - August 4th - 7th North CarolinaMistress Ayn of Atlanta, GA - http://mistressayn.com* Charlotte - August 23rd - 25th OhioMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Columbus - August 6th Mistress Montana of Dallas, TX - https://mistressmontana.com* Dayton - August 12th - 15th OklahomaMistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Oklahoma City - August 26th -27th * Tulsa - August 27th -28th OregonMiss Rum Dolor of Los Angeles, CA - https://www.rumandruin.com* Portland - August 2nd - 8th Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Portland - August 6th - 9th PennsylvaniaDomina Kat Morgan of Detroit, MI - http://www.dominakatmorgan.com* Philadelphia (Plymouth Meeting) - August 20th - 22nd * Philadelphia (Malvern) - August 22nd - 24th * Pittsburgh - August 24th - 26th Puerto RicoNo Current Travel Rhode IslandMistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Providence, RI - August 17th South CarolinaNo Current Travel TennesseeeKordelia Devonshire of Las Vegas, NV - http://kordeliadevonshire.com* Nashville - August 11th - 13th * Memphis - August 13th - 15th TexasMistress Katrina of Austin, TX - http://www.servekatrina.com* Dallas - August 4th - 6th Mistress Mia Darque of Tulsa, OK - http://www.justsayred.com * Dallas - August 4th - 6th Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Dallas - August 10th - 11th Mistress Angel Novalia of Oakland, CA - https://www.thegatessm.com/angel* Austin - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Domina X) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Austin - August 24th - 26th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Dallas, TX - August 31st to September 3rd UtahMsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Salt Lake City - August 4th - 6th VirginiaNo Current Travel Washington (State)No Current Travel Washington DCJulie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* Washington D.C. - August 4th - 5th Mistress Chloe of New York City - http://www.tinyurl.com/mistresschloenyc* Washington D.C. - August 6th Dante Posh of Hackensack, NJ - http://www.danteposh.com* Washington D.C. - August 7th - 8th Miss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Washington D.C. - August 29th - 31st WisconsinNo Current Travel CanadaMiss Jasmine of Vancouver, BC - https://www.eurasianpersuasion.com* Toronto, ON - July 31st - August 5th Miss Xi of Toronto, ON - http://www.missxi.ca* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 8th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) Russian Queen M of Calgary, AL - https://www.queenmdominatrix.com* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 8th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi & Lady Valeska) * Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Ottawa, ON - August 13th - 27th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Montreal, QU - August 28th - September 10th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) Cathie La Divine of Ottawa, ON - http://placedivine.com* Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th Lady Valeska of Toronto, ON - https://www.ladyvaleska.com* Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Ottawa, ON - August 13th - 27th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Montreal, QU - August 28th - September 10th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) Astro Domina of Seattle, WA - http://www.astrodomina.com* Vancouver, BC - August 24th - 28th - Information valid as of August 17th, 2017
* This posting is not meant to replace personal Domme Touring information as that contains more and better information than this simple listing. This is just a consolidation of that information by area. Listings are sorted by date of arrival. * Information included here is reported based on information posted at multiple places on the web and is not guaranteed to be accurate. * Clients should understand that Pro Domination is NOT prostitution. There should be no expectation of any penetration or other sexual activity that ends in the word "job". * It is highly recommended that clients look at and evaluate reviews on sites like MaxFisch, Domina.ms, FetLife and The Erotic Review before seeing someone claiming to be a Pro Domme rather than choosing someone because they have some hot pictures. Some BDSM activities can be extremely dangerous so it is critical for your own safety to insure that the provider you are booking with is worth that trust. * To qualify for inclusion, a Pro Domme must have announced travel plans for accepting clients in the city they are visiting and either be a well established and recognized part of the community or have a valid website for clients to be able to reference and evaluate for their own safety. Social Media only based Pro Dommes (including FetLife) without a long and established track record for safety and professionalism do not qualify. * FinDomme only activities such as "cash-point meets" do not qualify for inclusion in this listing. * Although posting may occur more often, updates are only guaranteed to be done on a weekly basis so plan accordingly. * Dommes may opt-out of being included in this listing by contacting AspX directly. All requests of this nature will be respected. * AspX does not take or accept renumeration for Pro Dommes being listed here and all information provided is considered to be "news reporting" based on different sources.
Main sources of information for this article are the following FREE advertising sites for Pro Dommes:
Dickie Virgin Classified Listings Dickie Virgin "Mistress Travel Dates and Discussion" board at Mistress Destiny Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Max Fisch's "The Hang" Discussion Board Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Domina.ms's "The Buzz" Discussion Board "Pro-Dommes on Tour and those that love wish to meet them" Group at FetLife "Pro Domme Network Group" at FetLife "submissives who seek a Pro-Domme" Group at FetLife FetPros Listings
Edited by AspX (08/17/17 08:53 PM)
#2618 - 08/23/17 09:21 PM
August 23rd Update
[Re: AspX]
Registered: 07/08/16
Posts: 1073
Loc: Detroit
If you wish to make sure that your travel information is included in the consolidated travel list for North America, need the information in this post updated/corrected or wish to opt-out of inclusion in the list please contact AspX directly. ArizonaNo Current Travel California - NorthernRebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* San Francisco - August 6th - 9th Miss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Sacramento - August 9th - 11th Mistress Georgia Payne - http://mistressgeorgiapayne.com* San Francisco - August 11th - 13th Mistress Lucy Sweetkill of New York City - http://lucysweetkill.com * San Francisco - August 22nd - 28th California - SouthernCynthia Stone of New York City - http://mistresscynthia.com* Los Angeles - August 8th (Doubles w/ Inga Larsson) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Los Angeles (Hollywood) - August 7th - 12th Mistress Danielle Blunt of New York City - http://www.mistressblunt.com* Los Angeles - August 10th - 13th Miss Rum Dolor of Los Angeles, CA - https://www.rumandruin.com* San Diego - August 11th - 14th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Los Angeles - August 11th - 14th Goddess Jennilee of Montreal, QU - http://jenilee.ca* San Diego - August 13th - 23rd Mistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* Los Angeles - August 15th Goddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Los Angeles - August 21st - 26th Ramona Ryder of Oakland, CA - https://www.ramonaryder.com* Los Angeles - August 22nd - 25th Mistress Roxy Jezel of Austin, TX - http://www.mistressroxyjezel.com* San Diego, CA - August 28th - 29th ColoradoMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Denver - August 8th - 9th Mistress Clawdia Byrd of Chicago, IL - http://mistressclawdiabyrd-blog.tumblr.com* Denver - August 23rd - 25th ConnecticutNo Current Travel Florida - Mid/NorthernNatalya Sadici of South Florida - http://natalyasadici.net* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 4th - 15th (Doubles w/ Mistress Absolute) Mistress Absolute of London, UK - http://www.mistressabsolute.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 4th - 15th (Doubles w/ Natalya Sadici) Samantha Muscle of Atlanta, GA - http://www.FetishGoddessSamantha.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 12th Ms. Morgan Chase of Detroit, MI - http://detroitdominatrix.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 14th Princess Isobel Devi of South Florida - https://www.isobel-devi.com* St. Petersburg - August 9th - 10th Mistress Jean Bardot of Minneapolis, MN - http://www.jeanbardot.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 9th - 13th Miss Pandora Jones of Philadelphia, PA - http://sexypandora.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Skylar Grey) Miss Skylar Grey of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.destinyschamber.com/skyler-.html* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Pandora Jones) Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 17th Miss Sarah Diavola of Mid-Florida - http://www.SarahDiAvola.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10 - 13th Goddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 11th - 13th Florida - SouthernGoddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Ft. Lauderdale - July 17th - August 10th Miss Lydia Lamour of New York City - http://www.strictlymisslydia.com* Ft. Lauderdale - August 6th - 13th (Daytime only) GeorgiaMistress Mystique of Boston, MA- http://www.MistressOfYou.com* Atlanta - July 29th - August 16th King Lexa of Los Angeles, CA - http://kinglexa.com* Atlanta (Atlanta Dungeon) - August 8th - 15th Miss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Atlanta (Atlanta Dungeon) - August 12th - 14th IllinoisMistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* Chicago - August 14th Miss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Chicago - August 23rd - 25th Mistress Lila Stern of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.ladylilasbonecastle.com* Chicago - August 28th - 29th Mistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* Chicago - August 28th - 31st Mistress Gypsy of Miami, FL - http://dommeduo.escorts.biz (Doubles w/ Belladonna) * Chicago - August 29th - September 1st IndianaNo Current Travel KentuckyMiss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Louisville - August 26th - 28th LouisianaNo Current Travel MaineNo Current Travel MarylandFor Baltimore Tours See Washington D.C. MassachusettsGoddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Boston - August 10th - 12th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Boston - August 16th, 18th - 19th Mistress Simone of Chicago, IL - http://www.chicago-mistress.com* Boston - August 29th - 30th MichiganMiss Mara Mayhem of Chicago, IL - http://www.maramayhem.com* Detroit - August 8th - 11th Mistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* Detroit (Southfield) - August 20th - 22nd MinnesotaMiss Jezebel Sinclair of Arizona - http://missjezebel.com* Minneapolis - August 23rd - 28th Mistress Lila Stern of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.ladylilasbonecastle.com* Minneapolis - August 24th - 26th MissouriMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* St. Louis - August 7th Nevada - Las VegasMiss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Las Vegas - August 9th - 10th Mistress Lila Stern of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.ladylilasbonecastle.com* Las Vegas - August 18th - 20th Miss Elizabeth of Indiana - https://www.misselizabethspanker.com * Las Vegas - August 31st - September 2nd (Shadow Lane) Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Las Vegas - Aug 31st - Sept 3rd (Shadow Lane) New HampshireMistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* New Hampshire - August 1st - 3rd New JerseyNo Current Travel New MexicoKordelia Devonshire of Las Vegas, NV - http://kordeliadevonshire.com* Albuquerque - August 17th New York - New York CityLydia Supremacy of Austin, Tx - http://www.lydiasupremacy.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 1st - 2nd Julie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* New York City (Rubber Studio in Manhattan) - August 1st - 3rd The Only Delilah (aka Scat Queen Delilah) of Atlanta, GA - https://www.theonlydelilah.com* New York City - August 2nd - 8th Mistress Ginger Monroe of Tucson, AZ - http://mistressginger.org* New York City (Brooklyn) - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Lynn of Washington, DC - http://www.mistresslynnslair.com* New York City - August 4th - 7th Rebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* New York City - August 10th - 13th Mistress Ariana Lexine of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.arianalexine.com* New York City - August 16th - 23rd Mistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* New York City - August 17th - 18th Goddess Evilena of South Florida - http://www.goddessevilena.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 17th - 21st Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* New York City - August 19th - 23rd Mistress Viktoria Sway of Portland, OR - http://www.viktoriasway.com* New York City - August 21st - 25th Lady Sophia Larou of Copenhagen - http://www.copenhagendomina.com* New York City - August 28th - 29th New York - OutstateMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Ithica - August 1st - 5th Michelle Lacy of South Florida - http://www.michellelacy.com* Long Island - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* The Hamptons - August 4th - 7th North CarolinaMistress Ayn of Atlanta, GA - http://mistressayn.com* Charlotte - August 23rd - 25th OhioMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Columbus - August 6th Mistress Montana of Dallas, TX - https://mistressmontana.com* Dayton - August 12th - 15th OklahomaMistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Oklahoma City - August 26th -27th * Tulsa - August 27th -28th OregonMiss Rum Dolor of Los Angeles, CA - https://www.rumandruin.com* Portland - August 2nd - 8th Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Portland - August 6th - 9th PennsylvaniaDomina Kat Morgan of Detroit, MI - http://www.dominakatmorgan.com* Philadelphia (Plymouth Meeting) - August 20th - 22nd * Philadelphia (Malvern) - August 22nd - 24th * Pittsburgh - August 24th - 26th Puerto RicoNo Current Travel Rhode IslandMistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Providence, RI - August 17th South CarolinaNo Current Travel TennesseeeKordelia Devonshire of Las Vegas, NV - http://kordeliadevonshire.com* Nashville - August 11th - 13th * Memphis - August 13th - 15th TexasMistress Katrina of Austin, TX - http://www.servekatrina.com* Dallas - August 4th - 6th Mistress Mia Darque of Tulsa, OK - http://www.justsayred.com * Dallas - August 4th - 6th Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Dallas - August 10th - 11th Mistress Angel Novalia of Oakland, CA - https://www.thegatessm.com/angel* Austin - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Domina X) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Austin - August 24th - 26th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Dallas, TX - August 31st to September 3rd UtahMsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Salt Lake City - August 4th - 6th VirginiaNo Current Travel Washington (State)No Current Travel Washington DCJulie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* Washington D.C. - August 4th - 5th Mistress Chloe of New York City - http://www.tinyurl.com/mistresschloenyc* Washington D.C. - August 6th Dante Posh of Hackensack, NJ - http://www.danteposh.com* Washington D.C. - August 7th - 8th Miss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Washington D.C. - August 29th - 31st WisconsinNo Current Travel CanadaMiss Jasmine of Vancouver, BC - https://www.eurasianpersuasion.com* Toronto, ON - July 31st - August 5th Miss Xi of Toronto, ON - http://www.missxi.ca* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 8th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) Russian Queen M of Calgary, AL - https://www.queenmdominatrix.com* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 8th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi & Lady Valeska) * Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Toronto, ON - 12th - 27th * Ottawa, ON - August 27th - 29th * Montreal, QU (Montreal Fetish Weekend) - August 29th - September 9th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska Sept 1st - 4th) Cathie La Divine of Ottawa, ON - http://placedivine.com* Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th Lady Valeska of Toronto, ON - https://www.ladyvaleska.com* Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) * Montreal, QU (Montreal Fetish Weekend) - September 1st - 4th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) Astro Domina of Seattle, WA - http://www.astrodomina.com* Vancouver, BC - August 24th - 28th Madame Keiko of Montreal, QU - http://madamekeiko.com* Toronto, ON - August 26th - 29th - Information valid as of August 23rd, 2017
* This posting is not meant to replace personal Domme Touring information as that contains more and better information than this simple listing. This is just a consolidation of that information by area. Listings are sorted by date of arrival. * Information included here is reported based on information posted at multiple places on the web and is not guaranteed to be accurate. * Clients should understand that Pro Domination is NOT prostitution. There should be no expectation of any penetration or other sexual activity that ends in the word "job". * It is highly recommended that clients look at and evaluate reviews on sites like MaxFisch, Domina.ms, FetLife and The Erotic Review before seeing someone claiming to be a Pro Domme rather than choosing someone because they have some hot pictures. Some BDSM activities can be extremely dangerous so it is critical for your own safety to insure that the provider you are booking with is worth that trust. * To qualify for inclusion, a Pro Domme must have announced travel plans for accepting clients in the city they are visiting and either be a well established and recognized part of the community or have a valid website for clients to be able to reference and evaluate for their own safety. Social Media only based Pro Dommes (including FetLife) without a long and established track record for safety and professionalism do not qualify. * FinDomme only activities such as "cash-point meets" do not qualify for inclusion in this listing. * Although posting may occur more often, updates are only guaranteed to be done on a weekly basis so plan accordingly. * Dommes may opt-out of being included in this listing by contacting AspX directly. All requests of this nature will be respected. * AspX does not take or accept renumeration for Pro Dommes being listed here and all information provided is considered to be "news reporting" based on different sources.
Main sources of information for this article are the following FREE advertising sites for Pro Dommes:
Dickie Virgin Classified Listings Dickie Virgin "Mistress Travel Dates and Discussion" board at Mistress Destiny Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Max Fisch's "The Hang" Discussion Board Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Domina.ms's "The Buzz" Discussion Board "Pro-Dommes on Tour and those that love wish to meet them" Group at FetLife "Pro Domme Network Group" at FetLife "submissives who seek a Pro-Domme" Group at FetLife FetPros Listings
#2633 - 08/28/17 02:35 AM
August 27th Update
[Re: AspX]
Registered: 07/08/16
Posts: 1073
Loc: Detroit
If you wish to make sure that your travel information is included in the consolidated travel list for North America, need the information in this post updated/corrected or wish to opt-out of inclusion in the list please contact AspX directly. ArizonaNo Current Travel California - NorthernRebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* San Francisco - August 6th - 9th Miss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Sacramento - August 9th - 11th Mistress Georgia Payne - http://mistressgeorgiapayne.com* San Francisco - August 11th - 13th Mistress Lucy Sweetkill of New York City - http://lucysweetkill.com * San Francisco - August 22nd - 28th California - SouthernCynthia Stone of New York City - http://mistresscynthia.com* Los Angeles - August 8th (Doubles w/ Inga Larsson) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Los Angeles (Hollywood) - August 7th - 12th Mistress Danielle Blunt of New York City - http://www.mistressblunt.com* Los Angeles - August 10th - 13th Miss Rum Dolor of Los Angeles, CA - https://www.rumandruin.com* San Diego - August 11th - 14th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Los Angeles - August 11th - 14th Goddess Jennilee of Montreal, QU - http://jenilee.ca* San Diego - August 13th - 23rd Mistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* Los Angeles - August 15th Goddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Los Angeles - August 21st - 26th Ramona Ryder of Oakland, CA - https://www.ramonaryder.com* Los Angeles - August 22nd - 25th Empress Ming of Atlanta, GA - http://www.empressmingsplaybox.com* Los Angeles - August 26th - September 23rd Mistress Roxy Jezel of Austin, TX - http://www.mistressroxyjezel.com* San Diego, CA - August 28th - 29th ColoradoMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Denver - August 8th - 9th Mistress Clawdia Byrd of Chicago, IL - http://mistressclawdiabyrd-blog.tumblr.com* Denver - August 23rd - 25th ConnecticutNo Current Travel Florida - Mid/NorthernNatalya Sadici of South Florida - http://natalyasadici.net* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 4th - 15th (Doubles w/ Mistress Absolute) Mistress Absolute of London, UK - http://www.mistressabsolute.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 4th - 15th (Doubles w/ Natalya Sadici) Samantha Muscle of Atlanta, GA - http://www.FetishGoddessSamantha.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 12th Ms. Morgan Chase of Detroit, MI - http://detroitdominatrix.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 8th - 14th Princess Isobel Devi of South Florida - https://www.isobel-devi.com* St. Petersburg - August 9th - 10th Mistress Jean Bardot of Minneapolis, MN - http://www.jeanbardot.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 9th - 13th Miss Pandora Jones of Philadelphia, PA - http://sexypandora.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Skylar Grey) Miss Skylar Grey of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.destinyschamber.com/skyler-.html* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Miss Rose Holland &/or Miss Pandora Jones) Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10th - 17th Miss Sarah Diavola of Mid-Florida - http://www.SarahDiAvola.com * Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 10 - 13th Goddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Tampa/St. Petersburg (FetishCon) - August 11th - 13th Mistress Viktoria Sway of Portland, OR - http://www.viktoriasway.com* Tampa - August 31st - September 4th Florida - SouthernGoddess Sadie Hawkins of Phoenix, AZ - http://sensuoussovereignties.com* Ft. Lauderdale - July 17th - August 10th Miss Lydia Lamour of New York City - http://www.strictlymisslydia.com* Ft. Lauderdale - August 6th - 13th (Daytime only) GeorgiaMistress Mystique of Boston, MA- http://www.MistressOfYou.com* Atlanta - July 29th - August 16th King Lexa of Los Angeles, CA - http://kinglexa.com* Atlanta (Atlanta Dungeon) - August 8th - 15th Miss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Atlanta (Atlanta Dungeon) - August 12th - 14th Mistress Vika Sirin of Asheville, NC - https://www.mistressvikasirin.com* Atlanta - August 31st - September 3rd IllinoisMistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* Chicago - August 14th Miss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Chicago - August 23rd - 25th Mistress Lila Stern of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.ladylilasbonecastle.com* Chicago - August 28th - 29th Mistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* Chicago - August 28th - 31st Mistress Gypsy of Miami, FL - http://dommeduo.escorts.biz (Doubles w/ Belladonna) * Chicago - August 29th - September 1st IndianaNo Current Travel KentuckyMiss Laci Sedona of Knoxville, TN - http://thehumiliationpit.com* Louisville - August 26th - 28th LouisianaNo Current Travel MaineNo Current Travel MarylandFor Baltimore Tours See Washington D.C. MassachusettsGoddess Aviva of New York City (Brooklyn) - http://www.goddessaviva.com* Boston - August 10th - 12th Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Boston - August 16th, 18th - 19th Mistress Simone of Chicago, IL - http://www.chicago-mistress.com* Boston - August 29th - 30th MichiganMiss Mara Mayhem of Chicago, IL - http://www.maramayhem.com* Detroit - August 8th - 11th Mistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* Detroit (Southfield) - August 20th - 22nd MinnesotaMiss Jezebel Sinclair of Arizona - http://missjezebel.com* Minneapolis - August 23rd - 28th Mistress Lila Stern of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.ladylilasbonecastle.com* Minneapolis - August 24th - 26th MissouriMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* St. Louis - August 7th Nevada - Las VegasMiss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Las Vegas - August 9th - 10th Mistress Lila Stern of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.ladylilasbonecastle.com* Las Vegas - August 18th - 20th Miss Elizabeth of Indiana - https://www.misselizabethspanker.com * Las Vegas - August 31st - September 2nd (Shadow Lane) Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Las Vegas - Aug 31st - Sept 3rd (Shadow Lane) Mistress Snow Mercy of Los Angeles, CA - http://snowmercy.com* Las Vegas - August 31 - September 6th (Shadow Lane) New HampshireMistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* New Hampshire - August 1st - 3rd New JerseyNo Current Travel New MexicoKordelia Devonshire of Las Vegas, NV - http://kordeliadevonshire.com* Albuquerque - August 17th New York - New York CityLydia Supremacy of Austin, Tx - http://www.lydiasupremacy.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 1st - 2nd Julie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* New York City (Rubber Studio in Manhattan) - August 1st - 3rd The Only Delilah (aka Scat Queen Delilah) of Atlanta, GA - https://www.theonlydelilah.com* New York City - August 2nd - 8th Mistress Ginger Monroe of Tucson, AZ - http://mistressginger.org* New York City (Brooklyn) - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Lynn of Washington, DC - http://www.mistresslynnslair.com* New York City - August 4th - 7th Rebecca Knox of Los Angeles, CA - http://rebeccaknox.com* New York City - August 10th - 13th Mistress Ariana Lexine of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.arianalexine.com* New York City - August 16th - 23rd Mistress Mena Croft of Las Vegas, NV - http://www.Goddesscroft.com* New York City - August 17th - 18th Goddess Evilena of South Florida - http://www.goddessevilena.com* New York City (Manhattan) - August 17th - 21st Mistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* New York City - August 19th - 23rd Mistress Viktoria Sway of Portland, OR - http://www.viktoriasway.com* New York City - August 21st - 25th Lady Sophia Larou of Copenhagen - http://www.copenhagendomina.com* New York City - August 28th - 29th New York - OutstateMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Ithica - August 1st - 5th Michelle Lacy of South Florida - http://www.michellelacy.com* Long Island - August 3rd - 10th Mistress Gweneth (The Jet Set Mistress) of Gulfport - https://jetsetmistress.com* The Hamptons - August 4th - 7th North CarolinaMistress Ayn of Atlanta, GA - http://mistressayn.com* Charlotte - August 23rd - 25th OhioMistress Justine Cross of Los Angeles, CA - http://www.losangelesdominatrix.com* Columbus - August 6th Mistress Montana of Dallas, TX - https://mistressmontana.com* Dayton - August 12th - 15th OklahomaMistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Tulsa - August 26th -28th OregonMiss Rum Dolor of Los Angeles, CA - https://www.rumandruin.com* Portland - August 2nd - 8th Madam RavenRae of Los Angeles, CA - http://sexiravenrae.wixsite.com/sexiravenrae* Portland - August 6th - 9th PennsylvaniaDomina Kat Morgan of Detroit, MI - http://www.dominakatmorgan.com* Philadelphia (Plymouth Meeting) - August 20th - 22nd * Philadelphia (Malvern) - August 22nd - 24th * Pittsburgh - August 24th - 26th Puerto RicoNo Current Travel Rhode IslandMistress Eva Cruz of Los Angeles, CA - http://mistressevacruz.com* Providence, RI - August 17th South CarolinaNo Current Travel TennesseeeKordelia Devonshire of Las Vegas, NV - http://kordeliadevonshire.com* Nashville - August 11th - 13th * Memphis - August 13th - 15th TexasMistress Katrina of Austin, TX - http://www.servekatrina.com* Dallas - August 4th - 6th Mistress Mia Darque of Tulsa, OK - http://www.justsayred.com * Dallas - August 4th - 6th Miss Jenn Davis of Seattle, WA - http://www.missjenndavis.com* Dallas - August 10th - 11th Mistress Angel Novalia of Oakland, CA - https://www.thegatessm.com/angel* Austin - August 10th - 13th (Doubles w/ Domina X) Mistress Daria of Dallas, TX - http://www.mistressdaria.com* Austin - August 24th - 26th MsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Dallas, TX - August 31st to September 3rd UtahMsMadyson DeLaRough of Tucson, AZ - http://msmadyson.net* Salt Lake City - August 4th - 6th VirginiaNo Current Travel Washington (State)No Current Travel Washington DCJulie Simone of SE Missouri - http://www.JulieSimone.com & http://www.JuliesBitchBoys.com* Washington D.C. - August 4th - 5th Mistress Chloe of New York City - http://www.tinyurl.com/mistresschloenyc* Washington D.C. - August 6th Dante Posh of Hackensack, NJ - http://www.danteposh.com* Washington D.C. - August 7th - 8th Miss Victoria Cayne of Philadelphia, PA - http://www.victoriacayne.com* Washington D.C. - August 29th - 31st WisconsinNo Current Travel CanadaMiss Jasmine of Vancouver, BC - https://www.eurasianpersuasion.com* Toronto, ON - July 31st - August 5th Miss Xi of Toronto, ON - http://www.missxi.ca* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 8th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) Russian Queen M of Calgary, AL - https://www.queenmdominatrix.com* Edmonton, AL - August 2nd - 8th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi) * Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th (Doubles w/ Miss Xi & Lady Valeska) * Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska) * Toronto, ON - 12th - 27th * Ottawa, ON - August 27th - 29th * Montreal, QU (Montreal Fetish Weekend) - August 29th - September 9th (Doubles w/ Lady Valeska Sept 1st - 4th) Cathie La Divine of Ottawa, ON - http://placedivine.com* Toronto, ON - August 8th - 10th Lady Valeska of Toronto, ON - https://www.ladyvaleska.com* Niagara Falls, ON - August 10th - 12th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) * Montreal, QU (Montreal Fetish Weekend) - September 1st - 4th (Doubles w/ Russian Queen M) Astro Domina of Seattle, WA - http://www.astrodomina.com* Vancouver, BC - August 24th - 28th Madame Keiko of Montreal, QU - http://madamekeiko.com* Toronto, ON - August 26th - 29th - Information valid as of August 27th, 2017
* This posting is not meant to replace personal Domme Touring information as that contains more and better information than this simple listing. This is just a consolidation of that information by area. Listings are sorted by date of arrival. * Information included here is reported based on information posted at multiple places on the web and is not guaranteed to be accurate. * Clients should understand that Pro Domination is NOT prostitution. There should be no expectation of any penetration or other sexual activity that ends in the word "job". * It is highly recommended that clients look at and evaluate reviews on sites like MaxFisch, Domina.ms, FetLife and The Erotic Review before seeing someone claiming to be a Pro Domme rather than choosing someone because they have some hot pictures. Some BDSM activities can be extremely dangerous so it is critical for your own safety to insure that the provider you are booking with is worth that trust. * To qualify for inclusion, a Pro Domme must have announced travel plans for accepting clients in the city they are visiting and either be a well established and recognized part of the community or have a valid website for clients to be able to reference and evaluate for their own safety. Social Media only based Pro Dommes (including FetLife) without a long and established track record for safety and professionalism do not qualify. * FinDomme only activities such as "cash-point meets" do not qualify for inclusion in this listing. * Although posting may occur more often, updates are only guaranteed to be done on a weekly basis so plan accordingly. * Dommes may opt-out of being included in this listing by contacting AspX directly. All requests of this nature will be respected. * AspX does not take or accept renumeration for Pro Dommes being listed here and all information provided is considered to be "news reporting" based on different sources.
Main sources of information for this article are the following FREE advertising sites for Pro Dommes:
Dickie Virgin Classified Listings Dickie Virgin "Mistress Travel Dates and Discussion" board at Mistress Destiny Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Max Fisch's "The Hang" Discussion Board Travels and Guest Mistresses Board on Domina.ms's "The Buzz" Discussion Board "Pro-Dommes on Tour and those that love wish to meet them" Group at FetLife "Pro Domme Network Group" at FetLife "submissives who seek a Pro-Domme" Group at FetLife FetPros Listings
59 registered (nysubjack, The Thomas, langerr, jadreg13, PASubMale, Soapy, WestAugust, MayaMidnight, denali, Chi61, Mistress Tissa, Domina M, buffalo, Bruce88, Gagged2, KinkyBoston, Johnd3033, DommeLynx, ElenaDeLuca, midlet, TheDriver, Chuck123, Punkeyeb, ztrade, truesubtipp, Arnold, marstoy, Boucheron, Miss Nyxon, Loves OTK, Curiouser, tosser, Marcus, So long, sellinggr, MsRoseWoods, T-bone, SamBorn, DominaAdmin, furfan, Mistress Lisa, JosephG, doglette, Stern Miss Lea, cbtlover, tylerr, CelesteTaylor, Slv4u, AaronGrant, Mistress Mickey, TheLadyMichelle, broom, betadog, Jupiter Lake, palmer, disposable?, Violetwand, Jimjames, slv3),
Guests and
Spiders online. |
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