In the ftt area there is a guy who is a sub and who described what he says was his first ever professional bdsm session. He is mentioning a GS at the end and he was in a toilet box. He says he still remembers the experience and it is now a fantasy of his. However, in his description he omits the word where he might have said forced, expected, told or asked.

Obviously when you are with a domme and she has been whipping and punishing you, there is often no clear distinction between forced and asked and guided.

Back at maxfisch there was one nationally known domme who posted a story of forced or coerced bi . . . and in the description it was simply presented to the sub as what was almost a complete surprise. The "hint" of it, if any, was that in previous sessions the guy had done strap-on. Maybe he asked; maybe he was asked . . .

Do any subs have stories of such surprise events?

Oh, here it is the quotation, "My very first session (over 25 years ago now) was concluded with being submit to a golden shower via a toilet box. It was without question one of the most surreal moments of my life to date. To be perfectly honest, it’s a punishment that i fantasize about on a regular basis."

He was "being submit to" or "being submitted to," or "being forced to submit to," or locked in to or being told to submit to, but we do not really know which.

Some of you, esp dommes, have written that I have engaged in fantasy or non-reality when I have mentioned surprise events or surprise forcing or surprise expecting, but it is clear from other subs that, in their experience with excellent dommes, that it does take place.

Here is from the comments of wiki re surrealism
Works of Surrealism feature the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur.

Edited by ztrade (Today at 09:04 AM)