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#22666 - Yesterday at 08:17 AM Re: More problems for OnlyFans [Re: Mistress Ayn]
ztrade Online   content

Registered: 10/26/15
Posts: 363
the data on which the reuters story is built or written goes back to 2019 . . . and onlyfans changed its verification procedures and tightened them up in 2022 or even also more recently. So the article in large part is telling us about things that happened between 2019 and sometime in 2022 . . . and the report does not relate to what onlyfans is doing now.

In order to establish the bad acts of the onlyfans in its current form you would have to restrict your study to what has taken place from 2023 to the present. Or, even more restrictive to 2024 to the present.

#22667 - Yesterday at 08:21 AM Re: More problems for OnlyFans [Re: Mistress Ayn]
ztrade Online   content

Registered: 10/26/15
Posts: 363
As for their taking off the vid of the guy rubbing your foot . . . I can offer a guess as to why they would remove that. Even though you think you have all the required verifications and ID things, the reviewer might say,

Well, we know who you are and we know the names of 1 or more of your subs and they are approved, but in this clip, we cannot match the face of an approved person with his hand or forearm . . . and so no one can actually prove that the guy with the hand rubbing your foot is actually the guy whom we have vetted and approved!

Maybe that is it; maybe not.

Edited by ztrade (Yesterday at 08:21 AM)

#22670 - Yesterday at 09:25 AM Re: More problems for OnlyFans [Re: Mistress Ayn]
ztrade Online   content

Registered: 10/26/15
Posts: 363
In this reuters article, it says that they reviewed 128 cases of alleged bad conduct resulting in police reports and other complaints . . . reportedly taking place from 2019 to 2023.

Of the 128, there were 3 convictions and in the case of 2 of the convictions, the alleged evil-doer was in jail for a day.

That means that over the time period of 4 or 5 years, there are about 130 reports of bad conduct sufficient to have a police report, and one person spent more than a day in jail after a sentence/conviction. So . . . that is actually pretty good, given the vast quantity of material on onlyfans during those 5 years. Yes? No? Not perfect, but very close.

#22672 - Yesterday at 09:43 AM Re: More problems for OnlyFans [Re: Mistress Ayn]
ztrade Online   content

Registered: 10/26/15
Posts: 363
So . . . a woman named Sammy is suing onlyfans for knowingly profiting off of a video of her being raped by two men, though the onlyfans has a TOS and the TOS says that no one can post non-consensual material or nudity of other people. In order for the two bad men to have posted the material, they had to violate the onlyfans TOS.

The rape allegedly took place spring break of 2022, or, prior to the upgrade in verification or increased enforcement of verification by onlyfans . . .

There is a guy or some guys who are friends and they believe in and practice rape of innocent or gullible women they might find in a bar or at events such as spring break gatherings on the beach. The men take a woman away and rape her while filming . . . and later post the video of the rape and make some money by selling it on onlyfans or other venues. They are caught and stopped.

Is onlyfans to blame? It does not seem to be very blameworthy, given that, so far.

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Miss Nyxon: Mistress Nyxon in ATL 2/3-5 mistressnyxon.com
Domina Perpetua: Mistress Perpetua Wilmington NC 2/8 - 2/9 mistressperpetua.com
DommeLynx: In New Jersey? What are you waiting for? GoddessLynx.com
Mistress UV: New Orleans Jan 27 - 31st! Book Now www.mistressultravio
Queen Naomi: www.QueenNaomiNYC.co
m | Pushing your limits for the betterment of mankind. | Online | In-Person |
Mistress Berlin NYC: Phone, Video & In Person Sessions Available ~ MistressBerlinNYC.co
Mistress UV: See you Sunday for Kinky Bingo Brunch! https://www.kinkedat
Victoria_Cayne: Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago? www.victoriacayne.co
Domina M: My new bench arrives today! I am so excited! I purchased ALL the upgrades. I'll be live casting my unboxing on my Telegram https://t.me/dominam
ElenaDeLuca: NYC Sessions are filling up for February! Book your session ASAP! NYDominatrix.com
Miss Nyxon: Atlanta Feb 3, 4 & 5 MistressNyxon.com
Mistress Berlin NYC: Phone, Video & In Person Sessions Available ~ MistressBerlinNYC.co
MistressIsadora: Private Philly Playspace/ Bondage Enthusiast/ Creative CBT/ Slave Training
Domina Perpetua: Tampa Dominatrix traveling to Los Angeles and New York 2025 mistressperpetua.com
DivineRulerOroroSnow: 5 Training spots left for FEB in ATL Divine Ruler Ororo Snow
DivineRulerOroroSnow: Happy Humpday Hand Humppers
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Ms Roslyn Rosella: Serve Me at Atlanta Dungeon: mistressroslynrosell
Mistress Mickey: Sessions Available in My Upscale Dungeon in Atlanta. https://www.mickeyfo
Mistress Berlin NYC: Phone, Video & In Person Sessions Available ~ MistressBerlinNYC.co
ElenaDeLuca: NYC Disciplinarian and Dominatrix booking sessions in Manhattan. NYDominatrix.com
picaro: atlanta
MayaMidnight: Ballbuster & humiliatrix in NYC. Visit MayaMidnight.com to book
Miss Nyxon: Tampa Bay Dominatrix booking sessions MistressNyxon.com to book
GoddessCapri: Listen to that voice in your head. It’s Me. The voice is Me. My BE THE MINION line is open on #NiteFlirt. Call #HotBoss now to get the guidance that you need. 1-800-863-5478 ext: 14193822
Alpha Selena: Artistic sadist & Pro Dominatrix booking sessions in NYC. Check alphaselena.com for upcoming travel dates.
Mistress UV: Almost completely booked for Seattle March 27 -30th, Catch Me at Seattle Fetish Ball
Mistress Berlin NYC: Phone & Video Sessions Available All Weekend ~ MistressBerlinNYC.co
Queen Naomi: www.QueenNaomiNYC.co
m | Pushing your limits for the betterment of mankind.| Online | In-Person |

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