It very well might be cultural! The thought has crossed My mind, being Jamaican, I know that CP is administered via “switch” which typically would be a found branch from outdoors and the “pow pows” are given in increments of 10. Like a lot of the culture, that might have also been another thing that derives from the UK. I personally have never *really* counted incrementally. I dish blows based on how I’m feeling and within the confines of what the submissive can physically take before failure. Heavier players get the heavier blows, the ones that come with skin and broken blood, and I usually have the submissive count them out. Sometimes I’ll implement the “two for flinching” rule but instead of two, I mean 20, just for personal sadistic pleasure.

Edited by Alpha Selena (Yesterday at 02:47 AM)
Alpha Selena — Traditional Dominatrix • Sadistic world builder & soul extractor
Based in New York City • Check travel dates, next up: Los Angeles, Chicago, Birmingham, Indianapolis